Thursday, January 23, 2025

C.C.C. 2025 - Character #23 - Unicorn ("Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game")

The 2 d10s = 10 & 7. The following list is my character's choices for the Background
business—no questions asked, no answers given: Academic (7), Military (10), & Interstellar
(10+7=17). I'm going with Military as they had the best Power Source dice business in my
not-so-humble opinion. More information on this background is in the following screenshot:


For my Qualities business, I'm starting with the following:

● Self-Discipline: d10
● Leadership: d8

For my character's "Ideals" Principle, I'm going with the following -- no questions asked, no
answers given: "Order".

The D10 = 4. The two d8s = 3 & 8. My choices for the character's Power Source are the
following: Genetic (3), Experimentation (4), Relic (3+4=7), Supernatural (8+3=11), & Artificial
Being (8+4=12). Both Experimentation and Artificial Being sound like something like an army on
Earth in a superhero comic book might do -- but I'm going with Genetic for this character.

The Powers for my character are going to be the following -- no questions asked, no answers

● Flight: d10
● Strength: d8
● & Awareness: d8

For my two Yellow Zone Abilities, I'm going with the following:

● Always Watching (R): Awareness
● Dropping In (A): Flight

For my one Green Zone ability, I'm going with the following using Leadership -- no questions
asked, no answers given: Super Leading.

D10 = 10. The two d8s = 6 & 5. My choices for Archetypes are the following: Blaster (5), Close
Quarters Combat (6), Robot/Cyborg (10), Sorcerer (5+6=11), Wild Card (10+5=15) &
Form-Changer (10+6=16). I think I'm going with Wild Card for my character.

From the Wild Card list of powers and qualities, I'm taking the following:

● Motorcycle: d8
● Crossbow: d10
● & Fitness: d8

For my two Green Zone abilities, I'm going to take the following:

● Aiming (A): Crossbow
● & Crazy Events (A)

I'm taking "Weird Things" for my character's newest Yellow Zone ability -- no questions asked,
no answers given.

The 2 d10s = 8 & 6. My character's choices for Personality are the following: Distant (6), Fast
Talking (8) & Decisive(8+6=14). I'm going with Decisive for my character's personality -- no
questions asked, no answers given. More information about the personality is in the following
screenshot below this paragraph:


The background for my character is the following: "The Lyons were the British equal of the
Parsons family being members of the military since the time of the Roman Empire. They
claimed one of the members was Lady Stella, Sir Lancelot's wife and a twin of Queen Stella.
They aslo claimed one of their members, Martha Lyons, was King Richard's forester for
Sherwood Forest which helped protect Robin Hood and his Merry Men from King James and
the Sheriff of Nottingham." 

They claimed that their family had strange powers until England lost against the United States of
America in the War of 1812. One of their family members, Arnold Lyon, went to bat to have the
United Kingdom help the CSA during the American Civil War -- but when President Lincoln
revealed the Emancipation Proclamation -- Arnold Lyon was laughed out of London's

 In the aftermath of the "OblivAeon" business, Emma Lyon joined the British army. During a war
game with Australia in the Outback, Emma Lyon discovers superpowers. With the help of the
scientists, they discovered that the Lyons family had a genetic DNA of superpower similar to
three people that used the code name "Legacy" but different from it as well.

She decided to become a superhero - and take the name of Unicorn, a name of a mythic animal
that is one of the two symbols of the United Kingdom. The British Army created a motorcycle
that looked like someone crossed a unicorn with a motorcycle. Cassandra Bowstone, the host of
"Weapons Today" for ITV, created a crossbow inspired by the myths of Robin Hood for Unicorn.

Lyon becomes a writer of military novels as an excuse to travel the world -- and gives her plenty
of time to become the Unicorn to fight against evil and injustice in the world."

For my hero's Special d8 Quality, I'm going with the following: "Military Writer".

For my two Red Zone abilities, I'm going with the following:

● Burning Rubber (A): Motorcycle
● & No More Miss Nice Guy (A): Leadership

Oops, I forget to pick Principle from the following "Ideals" zone. I'm taking the following: Liberty.

I think I'm good with my character -- so no need for a retcon. And, I'm taking 4 for this character
when it comes to the health business.

Oops, I almost forgot to put the status dice business in - -and all zones get a d8 -- no questions
asked, no answers given.

Now, it's time to do some math for the Health Point business:

8+8 (Maximum Value of the Red Status Zone die) =16
16 + 8 (Maximum Value of the Strength Power die) = 24.
24 + 4 = 28.

The following is how things look for Unicorn's health -- no questions asked, no answers given:

● Green Zone: 28-22
● Yellow Zone: 21-11
● & Red Zone: 10-1

The following business is the finishing touches on Unicorn -- no questions asked, no answers

● Gender: Female
● Age: 25
● Height: 5 1/2 ft
● Eyes: Red
● Hair: Red
● Skin: White
● Build: Tough & Athletic
● Costume/Equipment: She is dressed in a white catsuit that covers all but her mouth and
has a hook for her crossbow -- she is usually not too far away from her white
unicorn-looking motorcycle. 


Hero’s Name: Unicorn
Alias: Emma Lyons
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Height: 5 1/2 ft
Eyes: Red
Hair: Red
Skin: White
Build: Tough & Athletic
Costume/Equipment: She is dressed in a white catsuit that covers all but her mouth and has a
hook for her crossbow -- she is usually not too far away from her white unicorn-looking

Background: Military
Power Source: Genetic
Archetype: Wild Card
Personality: Decisive

▢ Green Zone: 28-22
▢ Yellow Zone: 21-11
▢ Red Zone: 10-1

Status Die:
▢ Green: d8
▢ Yellow: d8
▢ Red: d8

▢ Self-Discipline: d10
▢ Leadership: d8
▢ Fitness: d8
▢ Military Writer: d8

▢ Flight: d10
▢ Strength: d8
▢ Awareness: d8
▢ Motorcycle: d8
▢ Crossbow: d10

▢ Order
▢ Liberty

Green Zone Abilities:
▢ Principle Of Order (A)
▢ Principle of Liberty (A)
▢ Super Leading (A): Leadership
▢ Aiming (A): Crossbow
▢ Crazy Events (A)

Yellow Zone Abilities:
▢ Always Watching (R): Awareness
▢ Dropping In (A): Flight
▢ Weird Things (A)

Red Zone Abilities:
▢ Burning Rubber (A): Motorcycle
▢ No More Miss Nice Guy (A): Leadership

Out Ability: Boost an ally by rolling your single Motorcycle die.

Background: The Lyons were the British equal of the Parsons family being members of the
military since the time of the Roman Empire. They claimed one of the members was Lady Stella,
Sir Lancelot's wife and a twin of Queen Stella. They aslo claimed one of their members, Martha
Lyons, was King Richard's forester for Sherwood Forest which helped protect Robin Hood and
his Merry Men from King James and the Sheriff of Nottingham."

They claimed that their family had strange powers until England lost against the United States of
America in the War of 1812. One of their family members, Arnold Lyon, went to bat to have the
United Kingdom help the CSA during the American Civil War -- but when President Lincoln
revealed the Emancipation Proclamation -- Arnold Lyon was laughed out of London's

In the aftermath of the "OblivAeon" business, Emma Lyon joined the British army. During a war
game with Australia in the Outback, Emma Lyon discovers superpowers. With the help of the
scientists, they discovered that the Lyons family had a genetic DNA of superpower similar to
three people that used the code name "Legacy" but different from it as well.

She decided to become a superhero - and take the name of Unicorn, a name of a mythic animal
that is one of the two symbols of the United Kingdom. The British Army created a motorcycle
that looked like someone crossed a unicorn with a motorcycle. Cassandra Bowstone, the host of
"Weapons Today" for ITV, created a crossbow inspired by the myths of Robin Hood for Unicorn.

Lyon becomes a writer of military novels as an excuse to travel the world -- and gives her plenty
of time to become the Unicorn to fight against evil and injustice in the world.


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