Friday, April 1, 2022

[April Fool's Day] Time For Some News!

Got some truckload of news for you guys:

  • Anime:
    • The main characters of Toei's "Miraculous Ladybug" anime have been revealed.
      • The heroes are the following: Marrinette "Ladybug" Dupin-Chang, Adrain "Chat Noir", Alya "Rena Rouge" Cessaire, Chloe "Princess Bee" Burgolis, & Nino "Carapace" Lifhee
      • The villains are Hawk Moth & Mayura.
  • Books:
    • Someone is writing the "Snakiods" where the Snakiods are telling the true story of their wars on Earth with some evil teenage bullies and their rotten alien leader. A reverse of the "Animorph" series.
    • Someone has released the first book of the series known as "The Kids of Dream Park Japan", a story about a group of teenage gamers facing the Games of the Game Domes of Dream Park Japan, one of the theme parks in the world of the "Dream Park" novels written by Larry Niven and Steve Burnes.
    • Someone is writing a book featuring the case of MST3K.which deals with Princess or one of her decent sending the crew of SOL bad books
      • She can't send them the good stuff become Dr. Forrester shields the SOL with the No-Good Shield.
  • Comic Books:
    • DC Comics and Marvel Comics have agreed to create "Crisis of Infinite Earth II" a major event that will affect all of the superhero comic books they publish for 2 years.
  • Computer Games:
    • A new company, "Retro Love", has its hand on the "Carmen Sandiego" franchise.
  • Europe Animated Cartoons:
    • "Miraculous -- Tales of Persphone" is being made by a London studio with the "OK" of Jeremy Zag of Zagtoon.
    • Someone had gotten a full summary of 6 revealing Chloe has become Medusa and Lila is Persphone and members of Ladybug's team -- and Timetagger was just a trick the future Miraculous team played by "Minibug, Kity Noir, & Hawky" to use Buinnix's nicknames.
      • "Hawky" is Bunnix's nickname for "Hawk Moth"
    • Another company is doing a reboot of "Code Lyoko"
  • Food:
    • Both Pepsi and Coke have introduced Blizzard-like things in bottles in the store. Food reviewers say they are "Awesome!" 
  • Tabletop Roleplaying Game:
    • The Light Dice Company has gotten full rights to "Big Eyes, Small Mouth", "Dream Park: The Roleplaying Game", and all of the games by Pallidum Games.

[Author Note: The above was an April Fool's joke for April 1,2022. It was almost revealed with the YouTube link contained the name of the singer of the song in the music video. The singer's name is Rick Astley -- and the song is "Never Gonna Give You Up!". -- Dr. Thinker]