Sunday, January 31, 2021

Character Creation Business 31: FATE Condensed

 Evil Hat’s “FATE” is another universal tabletop. FATE has three versions:

“Fate Core”, “Fate Condensed”, & “Fate Accelerated”. The second one is the most recent one, go I’m going with that one. 

Step #1 is that I need a genre for this character. Time to bring out “Mythic” for some help here! Question #1: Is the genre the following: “Cyberpunk”? My View: 50/50. Mythic View: 92. Exceptional No. It is neither “Cyberpunk” nor “Espionage”. Question #2: “Fantasy”? My View: 50/50. Mythic View: 65. No. Question #3: “Horror”? My View: 50/50. Mythic View: 23. Yes. Our character is for a “horror” campaign. 

Step #2 is to get a High Concept. The following is: “A Good-Hearted Eldritch Abomination”.

Step #3 is to get a Trouble. The following: “Causes Insanity In Human By Accident.”

Step #4 is a Relationship that has another PC. Since I’m going with this also, I’m going with the following: “Dr. Hydranstien hates me for making his daughter insane.”

Step #5 is dealing with the Other Aspects. For this one, I’m going with the following: “Culthuthu Loves Me” & “Xayakaxa is always trying her hardest to get me to turn evil.”

Step #6 is Skills. I get to pick One Great Skill (+4), Two Good Skills (+3), Three Fair (+2), Four Average Skills (+1) -- and the rest get Mediocre (+0). The skills are the following: Academics, Athletics, Burglary, Contacts, Empathy, Fight, Investigate, Lore, Notice, Physique, Provoke, Rapport, Resources, Shoot, Stealth, and Will. Since our PC is Eldritch Abomination, I the Lore at Great. Next, I think Stealth and Will are our PC’s Good Skills.  For the PC’s Fair Skills: I’m going with Fight, Investigate, & Notice. The rest get Mediocre.

Step #7 is to get Refresh. Refresh is always 3 unless you have more than Three Stunts. I’m going with only one stunt for this PC which is the following:  “E.A.H: Become I am Eldritch Abomination, I can summon a strange alien creature to help me but only once per session.” 

Step #8 is to get the Stress Boxes. They are two kinds of stress. Most PCs start out with 3 boxes.  Since my PC’s Pyshique is Mediocre, I get three boxes. Become my Will is Good, I get six boxes

Step #9 is to get Consequences Slots. These are usually empty as that stop - and they are three types: Mild, Moderate, and Severe.

Step #10 is the Name. The name of the PC: Laxartavia the Traitor.

Step #11 is the Appearance. For Laxatavia: “When not around humans, she usually looks like someone put a bird, an elephant, a whale, a human, a snake into a blender, and Laxatavia was the outcome of that blended business. When around humans, Laxatavia takes the form of a tiny teenage girl with pink hair, green skin, and neon-orange eyes usually dressed in a white toga and sandals.”

...And I finished with Laxatavia -- and I did 31 characters - so I’m done with this Character Creation Business until 2022 -- Laxatavia’s full stats are below as usual: 


Name:  Laxartavia the Traitor.

Appearance: When not around humans, she usually looks like someone put a bird, an elephant, a whale, a human, a snake into a blender, and Laxatavia was the outcome of that blended business. When around humans, Laxatavia takes the form of a tiny teenage girl with pink hair, green skin, and neon-orange eyes usually dressed in a white toga and sandals.

High Concept: A Good-Hearted Eldritch Abomination

Trouble: Causes Insanity In Human By Accident

Relationship: Dr. Hydranstien hates me for making his daughter insane.

Other Aspect #1: Culthuthu Loves Me 

Other Aspect #2: Xayakaxa is always trying her hardest to get me to turn evil.


Academics: Mediocre

Athletics: Mediocre

Burglary: Mediocre
Contacts: Mediocre

Empathy: Mediocre

Fight: Fair
Investigate: Fair

Lore: Great
Notice: Fair

Physique: Mediocre
Provoke: Mediocre

Rapport: Mediocre

Resources: Mediocre
Shoot: Mediocre

Stealth: Good
Will: Good 

Refresh: 3


E.A.H: Become I am Eldritch Abomination, I can summon a strange alien creature to help me but only once per session.

Physical Stress: ⬜⬜⬜

Mental Stress: ⬜⬜⬜ ⬜⬜⬜



Saturday, January 30, 2021

Character Creation Business #30: PDQ

 “Prose Description Qualities” or “PDQ” as it’s often shortened to is another tabletop game in the universal game. A universal game is a game that can play anything from cyberpunk to western. 

Step #1 is to find a genre. Time to ask Mythic some questions. Question #1: Cyberpunk? My View: 50/50. Mythic View: 76. Question #2: Fantasy? My View: 50/50. Mythic View: 80. Question #3: Horror? My View: 50/50. Mythic View: 13. Yes. 

Step #2 is Gender. Question #4: What is the gender of the horror game’s PC? Female? My View: 86. No. Our PC is male.

Step #3 is Name. Question #5: Does our male name start with an A? My View: 50/50. Mythic view: 100. Exceptional No. “John Dome” is the name of our PC.

Step #4 is figuring how the Qualities of John Dome is set up. They are the following four choices:

  • Choice #A: 4 Good Strength & 1 Poor Weakness

  • Choice #B: 1 Expert Strength, 2 Good Strength, & 1 Poor Weakness

  • Choice #C: 2 Expert Strength & 1 Poor Weakness

  • Choice #D: 1 Master Strength, 1 Good Strength & 1 Poor Weakness

Question #6: Is it choice #A? My View: 50/50. Mythic View: 68. No. Question #7: Choice B? My View: 50/50. Mythic View: 43. Yes. The following what I picked for them with my reasons for them in brackets like the math business I did for other characters during this Character Creatin business

  • Strongman: Expert +4 [For using his muscles]

  • Agility: Good + 2 [To be athletic]

  • Coordination: Good +2 [To have good hands.]

  • Bad Temper: Weakness - 2 [For having uncontrollable temper]

Step #5 is Appearance and for John Dome, I’m going with the following: “John Dome is a tall male human with no hair and blue eyes usually dressed in a red tank-top, blue jeans, a pair of white socks, and a pair of black rain boots.”

And I’m finished with John Dome, full stats are waiting for you below as usual: 


Name: “John Dome”

Appearance: John Dome is a tall male human with no hair and blue eyes usually dressed in a red tank-top, blue jeans, a pair of white socks, and a pair of black rain boots.

Strongman: Expert +4
Agility: Good +2
Coordination: Good +2

Bad Temper: Weakness - 2

Friday, January 29, 2021

Character Creation Business #29: "Toon"

 “Toon” is a tabletop roleplaying game by Steve Jackson Games that allows players to play cartoon characters like the following: Bugs Bunny, Donald Duck, Woody Woodpecker, and their friends and foes.

Step #1 is to find a species -- human or otherwise. Question #1: Alligator? My View: 50/50. Mythic View: 97. Exceptional No. Our character is a female bat.

Step #2 is to deal with the Attributes. To do that I roll one classic die - the six-sided dice for each of the Attributes: Muscle (strength), Zip (speed), Smarts (brainpower or lack of it as the case might be.) and four is Chutzpah (willpower or lack of it as the case might be.) The following is my rolls for each of the attributes:

  • Muscle’s Roll: 2

  • Zip’s Roll: 4

  • Brain’s Roll: 1 

  • Chutzpah’s Roll: 2

Step #3 is Hit Points business. Roll a d6  and add 6 to it. The Dice Roll: 4. 4 + 6 = 10. My character has 10 Hit Points. 

Step #4 is the Name. I’m going with Princess Cassandra here.

Step #5 is Description, which is just a fancy name for Appearance -- and for Princess Cassandra, I’m going with the following: “Princess Cassandra is a 6-foot pink bat with red eyes usually dressed in a purple toga and sandals.”

Step #6 is Natural Enemies. I don’t need to do it but I recalled a “bat”-theme episode from “Captian Planet and the Planeteers” -- and learn that bats eat mosquitos -- so I’m going with bugs as Cassandra’s Natural Enemies.

Step #7 is Beliefs and Goals. For Beliefs and Goals, I’m going with the following: 

  • “Eat every bug I meet - -and that includes spiders”

  • “Straight out stupid vampire hunters that think I’m a vampire.”

  • & “Become the most famous cartoon character in the world.”

Step #8 is Possessions. Four of them got to normal while for them got to be unusual. For normal, I’m going with the following for Cassandra: a purse, a makeup mirror, lipstick, and a credit card. For her unusual items, I’m going with the following: a whip, a big hammer, a shield, and roller stakes......

...And I finished with Princess Cassandra, her full stats are below as usual. 


Name: “Princess Cassandra”

Species: Bat

Description: Princess Cassandra is a 6-foot pink bat with red eyes usually dressed in a purple toga and sandals

Natural Enemies: Bugs

Beliefs and Goals: “Eat every bug I meet - -and that includes spiders”, “Straight out stupid vampire hunters that think I’m a vampire”, & “Become the most famous cartoon character in the world.”


Normal: a purse, a makeup mirror, lipstick, and a credit card.

Unusual:  a whip, a big hammer, a shield, and roller stakes.


Muscle: 2

Zip: 4

Brain: 1
Chutzpah: 2

Hit Points: 10

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Character Creation Business #28: QAS

 “Quick @$$ System” or “QAS” for short is a weird universal tabletop game. I need Mythic to help me find a genre. Question #1: Cyberpunk? My View: 50/50. Mythic View: 31. Yes.

Step #1 is to get the Yum Yums for my character. Question #2: 100 Yums Yums? My View: 50/50. Mythic View: 55. No. Question #3: More than 100 Yums Yums? My View: 50/50. Mythic View: 37. Yes. Question #4: 110 Yums Yums? My View: 50/50. Mythic View: 91. Exceptional No. I have 200 Yums Yums for my cyberpunk character. 

Step #2 is a name. Question #5: Is our character a female? My View: 50/50. Mythic View: 40. Yes. Question #6: Does our female’s first name start with A? My View: 50/50. Mythic View: 36. Yes. I’m going with the name of Aelita Scheffer. 

Step #3 is dealing with the Body, Brain, and Nerves. Ratings are usually between 6 and 16 with 11 being an average score. Body is for fighting an orc or doing construction work. Brain is for solving riddles or trying to remember who played the Riddler on Adam West’s “Batman” show. Nerves are for nerds trying to get into the jocks or popular girls depending on the nerd’s gender. The rating number in that relation section cost that number in Yum Yums. I have 200 Yum Yums. For Brains: 12. 200 - 12 = 188. For Body: 12. 188 - 12 = 176. For Nerve: 13. 176 - 13 = 163.

Step #4 is a Job for the character. On December 15, 2021, two shows pop up on two different series -- on Disney Plus, “Wandavision” -- while on Netflix, the last season of “Carmen Sandiego” pop up. I’m going with the latter and make Aeltia a thief. The job also has a number between 6 or 16. No matter what universal -- games, the game show, DiC’s cartoon, or Netflix’s Carmen Sandiego’s thief rating is a 16 -- and I’m going to homage that in Aelita’s stats by using the 16. Now rating in job costs twice that much in Yums Yums.  16 * 2 = 32. 163 - 32 = 131.

Step #5 is a Gimmick. For Aelita, I’m going with “Ghost!” 

Step #6 is a Weakness. For Aelita, I’m going with “Short Fuse”.

Step #7 is the number for the Gimmick and Weakness - -and both start at 10. So I’m sticking with that number.

Step #8 are Skills. Skills are rating +1 to +5. For +1, it costs 3 Yums Yums plus +1 Yum for anything higher than high. The following is what I did for Aelita here with the usual math business in brackets: 

  • Costume Designing 4. 4 - 1 = 3. 3 + 1 = 4 + 1 = 5 + 1 = 6. 131 - 6 = 125

  • Computer Hacking 4. 125 - 6 = 119

  • Cooking 4. 119 - 6 = 113

  • Electrician Worker 4. 113 - 6 = 107

  • Driving 4. 107 - 6 = 101

  • Piloting 4. 101 - 6 = 95

Step #9 are Health Points. A character’s Basic Health Point matched his or her number in his or her Body Number. That’s 12 for Aelita, and I think I fine with that. 

Step #10 is to write the number of Yums and Yums I have left. I have 95 Yum Yums left, so that’s my Yums Yums.

Step #10 is “Who Would Play Him/Her In The Movie”?  This about an actor or actress that might play the character in the show. I’m going with Elizabeth Banks as the actress for my character.

Step #11 is a Tagline. For Aelita, I’m going with the following: “No one can stop me!”

I’m finished with this character, full stats are below as usual:


Name: “Aelita Scheffer”





Thief: 16

Ghost: 10

Short Fuse: 10


Costume Designing +4
Computer Using +4

Cooking +4

Electronic Worker +4

Driving +4

Piloting +4

Health Points: 12

Yum Yums: 95

Who Would Play Him/Her In The Movie? Elizabeth Bank

Tagline: “No one can stop me!”

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Character Creation Business Day #27: Primetime Adventures

 “Primetime Adventure” is a game of making characters for a fictional television show airs somewhere from 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM a.ka Primetime!

Step #1 is to get a series. I’m grabbing a box of cards since I don’t have an idea for a series. I got three cards. The first card is 3 of Diamond which means the following: Middle Ages. The second card is the 2 of Diamonds which means the following: Aliens. The third card is 7 of Spades which means the following: Mansion. The series called: “Arthura, a planet of human-like aliens that rule a medieval planet from a castle.”

Step #2 is get is get a character. My character is Lady Minvera, a teenage noble.

Step #3 is to get an Issue. Trying not to be a workaholic. 

Step #4 is an Impulse. I’m going with Short Fuse.

Step #5 is to figure how long the series is -  and will decide on how long my story arc is going to be. For this one, I’m sticking with the classic 5 episode business,

Step #6 is to figure out which episodes my character’s arc plays out. Not counting the pilot episode which has all characters at 2.  One episode has to at 2, two episodes at 1, and one episode at 3. 

Step #7 is to get an Edge. I going with Very Rich.

Step #8 is a Connection. I’m going with Sir Robin Moodstone, the head of the Planet Knights

Step #9 is Nemesis, which I don’t have an idea so I skip that one.

Step #10 is a Personal Set. I’m going with the following: Lady Minvera’s bedroom.

..And with that, I’m done with my latest character, full stats are below as usual.


Name: “Lady Minvera”

Series: Arthura

Concept: A teenage noble

Issue: Trying to be a workaholic.

Impulse: Short Fuse.

Story Arcs Hooks


EP 2: 2

EP 3: 1

EP 4: 1

EP 5: 3


Very Rich

Sir Robin Moonstone,  head of the knights

Personal Set:
Lady Minvera’s bedroom.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Character Creation Business #26: RetroStar

 Spectrum Games’ “RetroStar” is all about live-action science fiction shows of the 1970’s. For this one, I’m going to do a superhero show like “Wonder Woman”.

Step #1 is Background. The Background for my PC is the following: “A mermaid who loves the human race and thinks the crime and war are keeping the humans from taking care of the environment -- so she decided to come up to fight crime and war to make sure the human race can clean up the environment.”

Step #2 is Casting. This is the actor or in my PC case, the actress that plays the character in I’m making up. I have a limit of 25 words for this one. For Casting, I’m going with the following: “A nice woman with blonde hair and blue that is a great swimmer with her legs stuff in a rubber mermaid tail.”

Step #3 is Traits. The traits are the following: Adventure (fighting skills), Thought (brain skills), and Drama (will skills). I’m going with Option 3 here: 1,0 & 0. I’m going with Adventure being our mermaid’s best skill. 

Step #4 is Description. The only one that gets on is Adventure -- and I’m going with the following: “Tail-Fu.” (Dr. Thinker ducks a flying fried fish that a person who hates puns threw at him.)

Step #5 are themes. They are four themes: Thematic (I.E Stuff that had a relationship to the 1970s like President Nixon’s Watergate business), Plot (stuff related to the plot of the series), Recurring (stuff that might repeat in a series), Cheese (anything hockey like disco, roller-skatings, hippies, etc.) & SFX (Special Effects: laser guns, a wizard’s magic spell, spaceships, supercomputers, etc.) A new character like the one I’m creating is empty and if I was playing in series, will get filled in as the series goes on.

Step #6 is the Character’s Name. I’m going with “Marina” for the name of the character.

Step #7 is the Player’s Name. That would be my own name:  Dr. Fowl Thinker. 😉

And I’m finished with my “RetroStar” character, full stats are below as usual: 


Character’s Name: “Marina” 

Player’s Name: Dr. Fowl Thinker

Background: A mermaid who loves the human race and thinks crime and war are keeping the humans from taking care of the environment -- so she decided to come up to fight crime and war to make sure the human race can clean up the environment.

Casting: “A nice woman with blonde hair and blue that is a great swimmer with her legs stuff in a rubber mermaid tail.”


Adventure: 1 (“Tail-Fu”)

Thought: 0

Drama: 0






Monday, January 25, 2021

Character Creation Business #25: "Slasher Flick"

 Spectrum Games’s “Slasher Flick” is a tabletop RPG that is based on slasher flicks like “Halloween”, “Friday the 13th”,  & “A Nightmare on Elm Street”. 

Step #1 is deciding on Primary or Secondary character. Primary characters may get out of the movie getting killed by rip-offs of Jason Voorhes or Freddy Krueger while Secondary characters will die like moths to bug zapper. I’m going with the former then the later for this character.

Step #2 is to get the character’s Stereotypes. I’m going with “Soap Opera Actress”.

Step #3 is to get the stats rating. At the stats. There are four stats in “Slasher Flick”: Brawn (strength), Finesse (dexterity), Brains (smarts), & Spirit (willpower).All four of them start at Poor. You get  stat boosters, the number of stat boosters depends on character type:. A Secondary character gets 3, while a Primary character like my character gets 4. I use all four stat boosters to get all of the stats up to Normal. 

Step #4 is get Positive Qualities. Secondary characters get three Positive Qualities while a Primary Character gets four Positive Qualities. I’m going with the following: “Kicking” (Brawn), “Ex-Stunt Woman” (Finesse), “Quick Learner” (Brains) & Spirit (Positive Animal:“Animal Lover”)

Step #5 is Negative Quality. Each character - both Primary and Secondary get one Negative Quality. For my character, I’m going with Old Age, I think that will be hooked to Brawn.

Step #6 is Alternations. For Secondary Characters, the following is straight from the rulebook for “Slasher Flick”: ”Each player receives a certain number of alterations to spread out amongst the secondary characters he currently possesses. That number is equal to the number of secondary

characters he possesses, minus 1 (down to a minimum of one).” For Primary Characters, they get two. I am going to use my two for the following: Up Brain to Good & get two Genre Points.

Step #7 is Item. For that,  I’m going with a purse as my character’s item.

Step #8 is Name. I’m going with Donna Winters as the name of the character.

Step #9 is a Connection to another PC. Since I’m going solo, I’m just going to make up the other PCs. My pick is the following: “She is the Aunt of Susan Spring”

Step #10 is a Character Tidbit. I say the following: “Loves model trains.”

..And with that, I’m done, full stats are below as usual,.


Name: “Donna Winters”

Character Type: Primary

Stereotype: Soap Opera Actress.


Brawn: Normal (Positive: Kicking, Negative: Old Age), 

Finesse: Normal (Positive: Ex-Stunt Woman)

Brains: Good (Positive: Quick Learner)

Spirit: Normal (Positive: Animal Lover)



Genre Points: 2

Connection: Aunt to Susan Spring

Character Tidbits: Loves model trains