Friday, January 31, 2025

C.C.C. #2025 - Character #31 - Karren Timberstone ("Primetime Adventures")

 Okay. It is time to end this business for this year by finishing the fourth and final character for
this tabletop role-playing game.\

This character's name is Karren Timberstone. Her Concept is "Famous Network Star."

Karren's appearance is the following: "13-year-old girl, blonde hair and blue eyes, wears an
outfit that would not be out of place on a hippie from the 1970s."

Karren's Personality business is the following: "Friendly unless she gets an unfriendly visitor."

Karren's Speech business is the following: "Speaks like a daughter of a female hippie and a
Valley Girl."

Karren's Edges are the following: "Cable Networks Knowledge"

Karren's Issue is the following: "Being too friendly."

Karren's Impulse is the following: "Hugging People."

Karren's Personal Set is her home's kitchen.

Karren's Nemesis is Anna Stakka, a KGB agent.

The following is Karren's Screen Presence business:

● EP #1: 2
● EP #2: 1
● EP #3: 2
● EP #4: 3
● & EP #5: 1

Oops! I forget about a Connection for Karren. I'm going with the following: Polly Heart, a Private


Name: Karren Timberstone

Concept: Famous Network Star

Appearance: 13-year-old girl, blonde hair and blue eyes, wears an outfit that would not be out of
place on a hippie from the 1970s.

Personality: Friendly unless she gets an unfriendly visitor

Speech: Speaks like a daughter of a female hippie and a Valley Girl.

Edges: Cable Networks Knowledge

Issue: Being too friendly

Impulse: Hugging People

Personal Set: Karren’s Home’s Kitchen.

▢ Polly Heart, a Private Eye.

▢ Anna Stakka, a KGB agent 

Screen Presence:
▢ EP #1: 2
▢ EP #2: 1
▢ EP #3: 2
▢ EP #4: 3
▢ EP #5: 1

Thursday, January 30, 2025

C.C.C. 2025 - Character #30 - Victoria Vase ("Primetime Adventures")

The name of this character is going to be the following -- no questions asked, no answers:
"Victoria Vase."

The concept for V.V. is the following: "Loyal Network Reporter."

For V.V.'s appearance, I'm going with the following: "15-year-old girl, brown hair dyed orange,
natural purple eyes, wears an orange sweater, blue jeans, a pair of orange socks, and a pair of
purple shoes.

For the V.V. speech business, I'm going with the following: "Normal American kid voice from the

For V.V.'s background, I'm going to with the following: "Tried to get the announcer job on show
but got a staring role."

For V.V.'s edge, I'm going with the following: "Nickelodeon History Knowledge."

Her Issue is going to the following: "Being Noisy".

Her Impulsive is the following: "Looking for the Big Scoop."

For her set business, I'm going with her office at Nickelodeon. 

No nemesis for her for this season:

The following is how I'm doing the Screen Presence for V.V. -- no questions asked, no answers

● EP #1: 1
● EP #2: 2
● EP #3: 3
● EP #4: 1
● & EP #5: 2

Oops, I forgot to give V.V. a personality -- which is the following: "On the show, she acts as a
stupid actress to give comedy to the home audience. Outside of the show, she is friendly unless
she smells news -- then she can be more annoying then Thomas Train."

Oops again! I forget about V.V.'s Connection. I'm going with May McStone, a famous newspaper
reporter for V.V.'s Connection.


Name: Victoria Vase

Concept: Loyal Network Reporter:

Appearance: 15-year-old girl, brown hair dyed orange, natural purple eyes, wears an orange
sweater, blue jeans, a pair of orange socks, and a pair of purple shoes.

Personality: On the show, she acts as a stupid actress to give comedy to the home audience.

Outside of the show, she is friendly unless she smells news -- then she can be more annoying
then Thomas Train.

Background: Tried to get the announcer job on show but got a staring role.

Edge: Nickelodeon History Knowledge

Personal Set: Victoria’s Nickelodeon Office 

Issue: Being Noisy 

Impulse: Looking for the Big Scoop

▢ May McStone, a famous newspaper reporter

Screen Presence:
▢ EP #1: 1
▢ EP #2: 2
▢ EP #3: 3
▢ EP #4: 1
▢ EP #5: 2

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

C.C.C. #2025 - Character #29 - Thomas Train ("Primetime Adventures")

The name of this character is the following: "Thomas Train".

For T.T.'s concept, I'm going with the following: “The Concept: Serious Tabletop Game Rule

For Thomas's appearance, I'm going with the following: "16-year-old, Japanese-American,
natural red hair, has green eyes, wears sunglasses all the time, & looks like a Yuppie."

For Thoma's "Personality" business, I'm going with the following: “Arguing seriously to the point
of being seriously annoying & using large words when short words works better.”

For Thomas's Background, I'm going with the following: "Tabletop player game player hired by
the show."

Thomas's edge is the following: "Tabletop Roleplaying Game Knowledge."

Thomas's Personal Set is the following: "Thomas's Personal Tabletop Roleplaying Game

His issue is the following: Being Loud.

His impulse is the following: Arguing

His connection is Lydia Light, his aunt.

The following is how the Screen Presence works for him:

● EP #1: 3
● EP #2: 2
● EP #3: 2
● EP #4: 1
● & EP #5: 1

For his Nemesis, I'm going with the following: Rydia Right, a judge on the show.


Name: Thomas Train 

The Concept: Serious Tabletop Game Rule Lawyer.

Appearance: 16-year-old, Japanese-American, natural red hair, has green eyes, wears
sunglasses all the time, & looks like a Yuppie

Personality: Arguing seriously to the point of being seriously annoying & using large words when
short words works better.

Background: Tabletop player game player hired by the show

Edge: Tabletop Roleplaying Game Knowledge.

Personal Set: Thomas's Personal Tabletop Roleplaying Game Library.

▢ Lydia Light, Thomas’s aunt.

▢ Rydia Right, a judge on “Dice This”.

Issue: Being Loud.

Impulse: Arguing

Screen Presence:
▢ EP #1: 3
▢ EP #2: 2
▢ EP #3: 2
▢ EP #4: 1
▢ EP #5: 1

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

C.C.C. #2025 - Character #28 - Michelle Mayfloor ("Primetime Adventures")

 The fictional show for this business is "Dice This". "Dice This!" takes place in the alternate
1980s were the Satanic Panic never happened and playing tabletop roleplaying games is
considered the nerds' equal to the jocks' playing American Rules Football. The title is also the
name of the in-the-universe show that the characters are making for Nickelodeon.

The show is going to be pretty light-hearted -- no questions asked, no answers given. Besides
taking place in an alternate universe, there aren't other fantastic businesses (i.e. ghosts, genies,
spies & aliens). The TV rating for this business is a Y7-FV as the group plays "Dungeons &
Dragons" more than the other tabletop roleplaying games. The cast lists for this fictional series
contain the following: show host, show players, show writers, Nickelodeon suits, TSR suits,
family members of the show host, family members of the show players, friends of the show host,
friends of the shows players, friends of the show writers, newsreporters, tabletop roleplaying
game players, tabletop roleplaying game store owners, tabletop roleplaying game workers, & tabletop roleplaying game players. The common bond for the PCs here is they are the host and
the main players of the show.

The name of this PC is the following: “Michelle Mayflower”

The Concept of M.M. is the following: "Reality Show Host”

M.M's appearance is the following: "16 years old, has long blonde hair dyed neon pink, has one
purple eye and one gray eye, & looks like Valley Girl by the outfits that she picks.”

M.M.'s Personality is the following: "Overfriendly to the point of being annoying & always tries to
kiss the suits' boots -- for lack of better American English words -- when she gets a chance to."

For M.M.'s Speech business, I'm going with the following: "Normal sentences that sound like
someone from Texas." 

For M.M.'s background, I'm going with the following: "Teenage actor hired to host Dice Time.

For M.M.'s Issue, I'm going with the following: “Cowardly”.

For her "Impulse" business is the following: "Running Away"

For M.M.'s Personal Set, I'm going with the following: "Michelle's Private Dressing Room".

For her connection, I'm going with the following: “Alice Lincoln-Washington, a friend of her

The group decided that the series's seasons are made out of five episodes -- no questions
asked, no answers given. The following list contains how M.M's screen business is done:

● EP #1: 1
● EP #2: 1
● EP #3: 2
● EP #4: 2
● & EP #5: 3

Oops! I almost forgot about her edge, I'm going with the following: Singing.

I didn't forget Nemesis for Miss Mayflower, I decided that she didn't have one.


Name: Michelle Mayflower.

Concept: Reality Show Host

Appearance: 16 years old, has long blonde hair dyed neon pink, has one purple eye and one
gray eye, & looks like Valley Girl by the outfits that she picks.

Personality: Overfriendly to the point of being annoying & always tries to kiss the suits' boots --
for lack of better American English words -- when she gets a chance to.

Speech: Normal sentences that sound like someone from Texas.

Background: Teenage actor hired to host Dice Time.

Edge: Singing

Issue: Cowardly

Impulse: Running Away

Personal Set: Michelle's Private Dressing Room

▢ Alice Lincoln-Washington, a friend of her mom.

Screen Presence:
▢ EP #1: 1
▢ EP #2: 1
▢ EP #3: 2
▢ EP #4: 2
▢ EP #5: 3

Monday, January 27, 2025

C.C.C. 2025 - Character #27 = Anna Stakka ("Awfully Cheerful Engine")

OK. For the fourth party member of this group, I'm going with the following: Spy. That gives the
following Special Ability: "Can make the villain spill his, her or its guts -- for lack of better
American English words."

The following is how I decided to get the Stats for my spy.

● Smarts: 4
● Moves: 2
● Style: 3
● Brawns: 3

For the four focuses for this character, I'm going with the following: Perception (Smarts), Stealth
(Moves), Gambling (Style) & Tough (Brawns).

3*3=9. 9 is my character's "Defence" business -- no questions asked, no answers given.

3+2=5. 5 is my character's "Health" business -- no question asked, no answers given.

Now, it's time to place the 6 Points of Karma on my character's character sheet -- no questions
asked, no answers given.

Now, it's time for a name, I'm going with the following: Anna Stakka.

For Anna's appearance, I'm going with the following: "Anna Stakka is a tall woman with long red
hair and red eyes wearing a long red wedding dress, red opera gloves, a pair of long red socks,
and a pair of red high-heel shoes."

Oops! I also forget to give Anna a Trait. The trait I decided for Anna is the following: "Cautious".


Name: “Anna Stakka”

Appearance: Anna Stakka is a tall woman with long red hair and red eyes wearing a long red
wedding dress, red opera gloves, a pair of long red socks, and a pair of red high-heel shoes.

Traits: Cautious
Role: Spy

▢ Smarts: 4 (Perception)
▢ Moves: 2 (Stealth)
▢ Style: 3 (Gambling)
▢ Brawns: 3 (Tough)

Special Ability: "Can make the villain spill his, her or its guts -- for lack of better American
English words. 

Defence: 9

Health: 5

Sunday, January 26, 2025

C.C.C. #2025 - Character #26 - Kara ("Awfully Cheerful Engine")

The job of this character is the following: Musician.

The following business is the Special Ability of this character -- no question asked, no answers
given: "Sing me a song, oh music man! You can make music and everyone who can hear it is
affected. Roll your Style Stat vs. their Smarts Stat, or they are basically dazed for a minute.
Unless you do something to snap them out of it like hit them or make a loud noise. After the
minute they can’t be affected again." 

The Stats business for this character goes the following -- no questions asked, no answers

● Smarts: 3
● Moves: 3
● Style: 3
● Brawns: 3

The following are the focus picks for this character: Nature (Smarts), Shooting (Moves), Public
Speaking (Style) & Brawling (Brawns).

3*3=9. The defense of this character is 9 -- no questions asked, no answers given.

The Health of this character is a 3 -- no questions asked, no answers given.

For the trait for this character, I'm going with the following: Paranoid

Karma Points = 6. No questions asked, no answers given.

For her name, I'm going with the following: "Kara"

For Kara's appearance, I'm going with the following: "Kara is an adult female human with long
blonde hair and blue eyes usually wearing a purple fedora, a pink Hawaii shirt with white
flowers, blue jeans, a pair of purple socks, and pair of green rain boots."


Name: Kara

Appearance: Kara is an adult female human with long blonde hair and blue eyes usually
wearing a purple fedora, a pink Hawaii shirt with white flowers, blue jeans, a pair of purple
socks, and pair of green rain boots.

Trait: Paranoid
Role: Musician 

▢ Smarts: 3 (Nature)
▢ Moves: 3 (Shooting)
▢ Style: 3 (Style)
▢ Brawns: 3 (Brawling)

Defence: 9

Health: 3

Karma: 6

Special Ability: Sing me a song, oh music man! You can make music and everyone who can
hear it is affected. Roll your Style Stat vs. their Smarts Stat, or they are basically dazed for a
minute. Unless you do something to snap them out of it like hit them or make a loud noise. After
the minute they can’t be affected again.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

C.C.C. #2025 - Character #25 - Aelita York ("Awfully Cheerful Engine")

The job I picked for this character is the following: Hacker. I love computers. My Special Ability
is the following: "I can hack any computer security system but it takes me an hour -- usually."

The stats business for this character is the following:

● Smarts: 4
● Moves: 2
● Style: 4
● & Brawns: 2

The following are the focus for this character for each of the four stats:

● Smarts's Focus = Gaming
● Moves's Focus = Running
● Style's Focus = Music
● & Brawns's Focus = Eating

2*3=6. 6 < 8. 8 is this character's Defence business -- no questions asked, no answers given.

No questions asked, no answers given -- the Health business for this character is a 2.

Now since I already did the 6 Karma Points for the character sheet, it's time for me to pick a
Trait for my "Hacker" character -- and I'm going with the following: "Cowardly."

The name of the character is the following: Aelita York.

Aelita's appearance is the following: "Aelita York is a teenage Chinese-American girl with purple
hair and gray eyes usually dressed in a pink blouse, blue jeans, a pair of pink socks, and a pair
of blue Mary Janes shoes."


Name: Aelita York

Appearance: Aelita York is a teenage Chinese-American girl with purple hair and gray eyes
usually dressed in a pink blouse, blue jeans, a pair of pink socks, and a pair of blue Mary Janes

Traits: Cowardly
Role: Hacker

▢ Smarts: 4 (Gaming)
▢ Moves: 2 (Running)
▢ Style: 4 (Music)
▢ Brawns: 2 (Eating)

Defense: 8

Health: 2

Karma: 6

Special Ability: I can hack any computer security system but it takes me an hour -- usually.


Friday, January 24, 2025

C.C.C. 2025 - Character #24 - Thomas Tombstone ("Awfully Cheerful Engine")

 Even known this tabletop roleplaying game considers itself the spiritual successor -- for lack of
better words from TV Tropes -- to West Ends Game's "Ghostbusters" tabletop roleplaying
games from the middle of the 1980s. This tabletop roleplaying can do the comedy version of
any genre -- from "Cyberpunk" to "Western" -- and any genre in-between and beyond -- no
questions asked, no answers given.

For the Role, I'm going to take my favorites out of the "Occupation" category. For my first
character for this game, I'm going with the following: Actor. That job gives me the following
Special Ability: My disguises always work.

The following screenshot shows how the stats work for this game - no questions asked, no
answers given:

The following is how I decided on the stats for my first character:

● Smarts: 3
● Move: 2
● Style: 4
● & Brawns: 3

Now, the following is what I pick for my character's "Focus" for each of the four stats: 

● Smarts's Focus = Accounting
● Moves's Focus = Driving
● Style's Focus = Animals
● & Brawn's Focus = Swimming 

Defense for my character is my character's Moves & 3. 2*3=6. According to the rulebook for this
game, if I get a number lower then 8 -- I have to raise that number to 8 -- no questions asked,
no answers given -- so my character's Defense is 8.

Health is equal to Brawns -- unless I took the "Tough" focus -- then I can add 2 to the number.
Since I didn't take the "Tough" focus, my Health number is the following -- no questions asked,
no answers given: 3.

I'm going with "Cocky" for my character's Trait for this character -- no questions asked, no
answers given.

Now, I place the 6 Karma Points on my character's character sheet -- no questions asked, no
answers given.

Now, I need a name for my character, I'm with the following: Thomas Tombstone.

For T.T's appearance, I'm going with the following: "When not in costume for a film, Thomas is a
male human with no hair and red eyes usually wearing a white t-shirt, blue jeans, a pair of white
socks, and a pair of white and blue sneakers."


Name: Thomas Tombstone

Appearance: When not in costume for a film, Thomas is a male human with no hair and red
eyes usually wearing a white t-shirt, blue jeans, a pair of white socks, and a pair of white and
blue sneakers.

Traits: Cocky
Role: Actor

▢ Smarts: 3 (Accounting)
▢ Move: 2 (Driving)
▢ Style: 4 (Animals)
▢ Brawns: 3 (Swimming)

Denfence: 8

Health: 3

Karma: 6

Special Ability: My disguises always work.