Oops, I forgot to add +2 for the physical traits for that last scene. That’s going to change as we going to the final battle.....
Act #3, Scene #2: The Final Lap fight Alli Gator to prevent her from getting the gold.
Chaos Rank: 5
Chaos Roll: 7 > 5. Normal
Question #2: Does the fight begins at the second pit stop?
My View: 50/50
Mythic View: 47. “Yes”.
My View: 50/50
Mythic View: 47. “Yes”.
I know the following facts : Alli Gator has Star Power 4 as she is the master villain for this series. All members have Final Lap All have Star Power 3. Those with more Star Power attack first -- but the Final Lap team are on the attack -- so I’m going to ask Mythic Question on this one....
Question #3: Does Alli Gator attack the Final Lap team?
My View: 50/50
Mythic View: 64. Nope. The Final Lap attempt talk
=A3, S2: BEGIN=
The Final Lap members’ armored jeeps circled around Alli Gator’s parked armor jeep. Geraldine’s armored jeep’s shot Alli’s jeep and hit the beam at the same time as Alli’s armored jeep fired her and both laser gun’s blasts hit each other.
[G.G. = LASER GUN = 6 + 8 = 14. A.G. = LASER GUN = 6 + 8 = 14. 14 - 14 = 0. No setback tokens]
Jessica’s armored jeep seed at Alli’s Jeep and despite Alli trying to move her armor jeep backwards got hit in the side.
[J.S: DRIVING + ARMOR = 4 + 3 + 9 = 16 + 2 = 18 G.G.: DRIVING + ARMOR: 4 + 3 + 3 = 10. 18 - 10 - 8. 8 = 8. Game Master rules Setback Token.]
Penny’s armor jeep’s laser gun’s blast was blasted into nothing by Alli’s armored jeep’s laser gun’s jeep blast.
[P.P: LASER GUN = 6 + 6 = 12. G.G. = LASER GUN = 6 + 7 = 13.]
Steve Key tried to smash into the backside of Alli’s armored jeep wth his own armor jeep but she was able to leap over the jeep.
Alli Gator’s voice joked, “Miss me, now you got to kiss me.”
Penny Petal stated, “EWWWWW!”
[S.K: DRIVING + ARMOR = 4 + 3 + 2 + 9 = 18. Game Master’s thinking of Setback Token! A.G. = DRIVING + ARMOR: 4 + 3 + 12 + 8 = 27. 27 > 18. No effect. Game Master is surprised.]
Vinnie Velocity stated, “I’m going to you a kiss: A kiss worse than a kiss of death.”
Alli Gator remarked, “Not if I give it to you first.]
Vinnie’s armor jeep’s laser gun hit Alli Gator’s laser gun before was able to fire causing to fly sparks around.
[V.V: LASER GUN = 6 + 2 = 8. A.G: LASER GUN = 6 + 1 (flub). 8 - 1 = 7. 7 < 8. Setback Token.]
All Gator stated, “YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT!”
Steve Key remarked, “Put it on our bill.”
Alli Gator tried to use her armor jeep to smash Vinnie Velocity’s armor jeep but Vinnie dodge her before she could do anything.
[A.G: DRIVING + ARMOR = 4 + 3 + 4 = 11 + 2 = 13 V.V.: DRIVING + MANEUVERABILITY: 4 + 3 + 9 = 16. These like these make me say “Whew”.]
Gerald Gear fire her armored jeep laser at All Gator’s armor jeep and score a hit on Alli’s armor jeep’s engine.
Everyone was stun as Alli Gator jumped from jeep as she pushed a red button on a remote control -- and destroyed her own jeep.
[G.G: LASER GUN = 6 + 12 + 6 = 24. A.G. = DRIVING + ARMOR = 4 + 3 + 7 = 14. Setback Token but Alli Gator destroys her armor jeep.]
Jessica Sparkplug jump out of her armor jeep and tried to land on Alli Gator -- but she jumped on top of Vinnie’s armor jeep near his laser gun.
[J.S: MARTIAL ARTS = 4 + 2 + 5 = 11. A.G: AGILITY = 4 + 12 + 8 = 24. No effect]
Penny Petal’s armor jeep fired a laser at Vinnie’s armor jeep’s laser gun -- which hit -- scaring Alli Gator down to the ground.
[P.P: LASER GUN = 6 + 7 = 13. A.G: AGILITY = 4 + 5 = 9 + 2 = 11. Setback token.] ]
Steve dives at Alli Gator, who dodged out of the way of him, making him land on the ground.
[S.K: AGILITY = 4 + 3 = 9. A.G. = 4 + 10 = 14. 14 > 9. Game Master rules a Setback Token for Steve Key.]
Vinnie jump out of his armor jeep and tried to knock her to the floor but he duck -- getting a close call from a very large knife.]
Alli Gator yelled, “AND YOU CALL YOURSELF ROLE MODELS!!!!!!!”
[V.V: AGILITY + MARTIALS ARTS = 4 + 1 + 8 = 13 + 2 = 15 A.G.: LARGE KNIFE = 3 + 2 + 11 = 16. 16 > 15. No effect.]
Alli Gator start running at Vinnie Velocity with her large knife blade-side own, but Vinnie kick her knife hand hard enough to make the knife fly out of her hand.
[That blade side down is to kept the censors out of the animation studio’s hair. A.G: AGILITY + LARGE = 4 + 1 + 7 = 12. V.V.: AGILITY + MARTIALS = 4 + 1 + 2 + 5 = 12.]
Gerald Gear jump out of her armored jeep and tried to land on Alli Gator -- and missed her and Gerald landing on the ground.
Steve Key stated to Gerald Gear, “Welcome to Dirtville. Population: Two.”
Despite herself, Gerald Gear give a little school girl giggle at Steve’s remark.
[G.G: AGILITY = 4 + 1 (FLUB). Automatic setback token.]
Penny Petal jump out of her armored jeep and tried to land on All Gator,. who despite try to dodge out of the roll, was landed on it.
[P.P: AGILITY = 4 + 7 = 11 + 2 = 13. A.G. = AGILITY = 4 + 4 = 8. 13 - 8 = 5. 5 < 8. Setback Token.]
Vinnie Velocity tried to grab the hands of Alli Gator -- and successfully got them.
[V.G: AGILITY + SMARTS = 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 = 10. A.G. = 4 + 2 = 6. Defeated.]
=A3, S2: END=
Dropping Chaos Ranking and Chaos Rolling
Act #3, Scene #3: Sometime after the race, the Final Lap talk to the an Australian Army Sergeant
=A3, S3=
About half hour after the armored jeep race finished, an Australian Army Sergeant and asked the Final Lap team, “So where’s Alli Gator? I heard rumors of her trying to steal gold from armored semi-truck guarded by my soldiers.”
Vinnie Velocity replied, “In jail.”
The Australian Army Sergeant remarked, “What for?”
The Australian Army Sergeant remarked, “What for?”
Penny Petal remarked, “If she wasn’t paranoid about being find out, she wouldn’t have her goons attack us.”
Vinnie added, “We know something was up when we saw her attack that armored semi-truck. We didn’t know what was in it -- but our friend, Irma Drop told us about her goal -- finishing buying an island piece by piece so she can play super dictator and used the island’s army to conquer the world.”
The Australian Army Sergeant remarked, “The world hadn’t had one of these since World War II.”
Penny stated, “And hope it stays that way.”
Everyone laughs
No ideas for After-The-Show Message, so I’m think I call it quits for now....