Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Hey, Blogger Readers. It's been a long time since I decided to make a post here.

Well, starting tomorrow, I will start the Tardis Captain's Character Creation Challenge business for 2025. To steal an old phrase, I got all of my ducks in a row. That means my characters are finished.

This year, I decided to do something different -- create teams for seven tabletop roleplaying games that I give a flying d20 about. While one tabletop roleplaying game out of the seven games gets 3 characters, the other six will get 4 characters -- the most common number for players that a tabletop roleplaying game master can handle. No questions asked, no answers

Logging off,
Dr. Thinker

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Character Creation Challenge 2024: #33 = “Last Worlds”

OK. It's time for the last worlds on that Character Creation Challenge for January 2024. It took a e-mail to Tardis Captain -- and think two weeks to get the following: the picture award for finishing all 31 characters for January 2024

Logging off,
Dr. Thinker

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Character Creation Challenge 2024: #32 = “Behind the Scenes”

 It is time to look behind the scenes for 2024’s “Character Creation Challenge”.

The writing began in early November 2023, when Tardis Captian posted the Character Creation Challenge. I started with my usual all-tabletop roleplaying games allowed in the business, but when I got to my 12th character out of 31 characters, I got a case of writer's block. So I switched to one of my favorite tabletop roleplaying games: “Cartoon Action Hour”. I used Season 3 as it is the most recent season (read: edition) of the formerly mentioned tabletop roleplaying game.

I still have to change how the text looks because if I copy the text straight from Google Documents the text goes straight off the Blogger page.

#1: Jagika for “Action-Cats”

#2: Teeth for “Ani-Bots”

#3: Angel for “Battle For The Universe”.

#4: Muse for “Castles & Caverns”

#5: Michelle Monkey for “Dino-World”

▢ #6: Cobweb for “Galatic Heroes”

▢ #7: Donna Drive for “Final Lap”

▢ #8: Tenshi “Princess Dream” Akuma for “The Girls of Dream Park Japan” = I wanted to do anime and still something related to the “Dream Park: The Roleplaying Game” while still using only “Cartoon Action Hour: Season 3”.

▢ #9: Princess Nightmare for “The Warriors Of Cosmos” 

▢ #10: Rydia Rough for “Punk Rock Saves The World” = The first name of this character comes from my favorite character of “Final Fantasy 2 a.k.a 4”: Rydia, the summoner from the Village of Mist.

▢ #11: Mydria for “Wastleland 2012”

▢ #12: Princess Zana for “The Vampire World”

▢ #13: Aelita Scheaffer for “Dark Brigade” = I got two facts about this character for you guys and girls as the case might be -- which are the following: #1) I wanted to do something related to horror since 13 is considered unlucky, &#2) The name of the character was stolen from the same name character from “Code Lyoko.”

▢ #14: Eris for “Super League”

▢ #15: Aelita Anderson for “Aelita Anderson” = Wonder what is the comic company that hates fanworks well click this sentence to find out.

▢ #16: Cassandra Craft for “Cosmic Horror Hunters”

▢ #17: Moon Mistress for “S.L.A.M.”

▢ #18: Thomas Train for “Tin Justice”

▢ #19: G.G. for ““Infinivaders”

▢ #20: Persephone for “The Super Battle Brothers”

▢ #21: Aquawater the Mermaid Master for “The Mighty Mirror Masters”

▢ #22: Shika for “Shika”

▢ #23: Cassandra Cheese for “The Crusaders of Sarillon” = The outfit for Cassandra was based on the outfit worn by Mitzi Mozzarella of the “Rockafire Explosion” with a C replacing Mitzi’s M.

▢ #24: Diana Cord for “The Brutaliods” = I was going to “Asgard 300” here but I posted the wrong guidelines -- so I switched gears to this series.

▢ #25: Cassandra for “The Elf Team” = Originally, I wanted to do Santa Claus for this spot with an image of him from one of those new Art AIs that have popped up on the Internet with him being labeled as a Guest Star since 25th of December marks Christmas Day -- but I changed it to one of his female Christmas Elves.

▢ #26: Mei Ling-Chang for “Asgard 300”  = Originally, this character would be one at #24 spot.

▢ #27: Patrik “Pumpkin” Potluck for “Ghost Patrol”

▢ #28: Cassandra Aelita Anderson for “Cassandra, the Tabletop Roleplaying Game Master” = I use Cassandra

▢ #29: Angel Show a.k.a “Ice Snow” 

▢ #30: Raven a.k.a “Castle & Caverns” = I didn’t know I made two characters for “Castle & Cavern” until I did this “Behind the Scenes” business -- and both Raven and Muse are female bards -- thought Raven is a human that uses a harp and Muse is an elf that uses a flute.

▢ #31: Mei “Dragon” Ling-Ching for “The Dragon Truck Driver”

Well, I don’t know if I’m going to do one of the following until we get to November 2024: Redoing what I did for January 2025 or returning the usual anything goes for January 2025.

Logging off,
Dr. Thinker


Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Character Creation Challenge 2024: #31 = “Mei 'Dragon' Ling-Ching ("The Dragon Truck Driver")

I will do an anime character for my last “Cartoon Action Hour: Season 3” character for this year’s Creation Character Challenge. 

Step #1 is Name. That is going to be the following: Mei “Dragon” Ling-Ching.

Step #2 is Series. That is the following: “The Dragon Truck Driver”

Step #3 is Appearance. That is the following: “Mei ‘Dragon’ Ling-Ching is a Chinese American with black hair and green eyes usually dressed in a red shirt, yellow overalls, and a pair of red cowboy boots.”

Step #4A is Signature Quality -- which is the following: “Female Semi-Truck Driver”. Step #4B is the Standard Qualities -- which are the following two: “Normal Female Adult Human” & “Vow: Will complete her job no matter what.”

Before I begin the next business, I’m going to have to do something assuming business -- which is the following: Star Power 4, Superhuman Tier, and 30 Traits Points. 

Step #5 is Star Power and Base Oomph. With my assuming business above, those two are rated with the following number: 4.

Step #6 is Traits. The following are the traits that I purchased for Mei -- with the math businesses in brackets as usual:

  • DRIVING SEMI-TRUCKS 6 [30 - 6 = 24]

  • LASER PISTOL 4 [24 - 4 = 20]

  • AGILITY 4 [20 - 4 = 16]


  • DISCORDIAN KNOWLEDGE 4 [12 - 4 = 8]

  • POP CULTURE KNOWLEDGE 4 [8 - 4 = 4]

  • SMARTS 2 [4 - 2 = 2]


Step 4 is Special Rules. I only taking take two here for the LASER PISTOL trait -- which are the following: “Action Feature” & “Accessory”.

Step #5 is Special Rules. I’m going to start with Upgrade #4 -- adding the following third Standard Quality: “Chatterbox.” 4 - 1 = 3. Next, I’m taking Upgrade #1 twice to get the SEMI-TRUCKS KNOWLEDGE up to 4. 3 - 2 = 1. I think I finished with Upgrades - so that means...

...That Mei is done and I have finished all 31 characters for “Cartoon Action Hour: Season 3” for this Character Creation Business for 2024.


Name: Mei “Dragon” Ling-Ching

Series: “The Dragon Truck Driver”

Appearance: Mei “Dragon” Ling-Ching is a Chinese American with black hair and green eyes usually dressed in a red shirt, yellow overalls, and a pair of red cowboy boots.

Signature Quality:
▢▢ Female Semi-Truck Driver

Standard Qualities:
▢ Normal Female Adult Human
▢ Vow: Will complete her job no matter what.”

▢ Chatterbox

Star Power: 4

Base Oomph: 4


Upgrades Taken: #4, #1 & #1

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Character Creation Challenge 2024: #30 = “Raven” ("Castles & "Caverns")

Well, for the next “Cartoon Action Hour” character for this Character Creation Character, I’m going with the following series: “Castles & Caverns”. I’m assuming the following for this business: Star Power 3, Superhuman Tier & 28 Traits Points.

Step #1 is Name. I’m going with Raven.

Step #2 is Series. That is the following: “Castles and Caverns”.

Step #3 is Appearance. I’m going with the following: “Raven is a female human with red hair and blue eyes usually dressed in a pink tunic and a pair of sandals.”

Step #4A is the Signature Quality -- which is going to the following: “Female Human Bard.” Step #4B is Standard Qualities -- which are going to the following two: “Loves to sing” & “Big Eater”

Step #5 is Star Power and Base Oomph. And according to my assuming business earlier in this blog post, both get a 3.

Step #6 is Traits. The following business are the traits that I have purchased for Raven with the math business in brackets as usual:

  • SINGING 6 [28 - 6 = 22 ]

  • HARP 4 [22 - 4 = 18]

  • AGILITY 5 [18 - 5 = 13]

  • SMARTS 5 [13 - 5 = 8]

  • MAGIC WHIP 6 [8 - 6 = 2]

  • RIDING ANIMALS 2 [2-2=0]

Step #8 is Special Rules. I will take “Accessory” for both the HARP and the MAGIC WHIP traits. Then I take “Action Feature” for SINGING -- and call the Special Rules business finished. 

Step #9 is Upgrades. I decide not to give Raven any upgrades.

And Raven is finished -- and her full character sheet is waiting for you below.


Name: Raven

Series: “Castles and Caverns”

Appearance:  Raven is a female human with red hair and blue eyes usually dressed in a pink tunic and a pair of sandals.

Signature Quality:
▢▢ Female Human Bard

Standard Qualities:
▢ Love to sing
▢ Big Eater

Star Power: 3

Base Oomph: 3

Traits: SINGING 6, HARP 4 [Accessory], AGILITY 5, SMARTS 5, MAGIC WHIP 6 [Accessory], RIDING ANIMALS 2

Upgrades Taken: None.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Character Creation Challenge 2024: #29 = “Angel Snow a.k.a Ice Princess” ("Ice Princess")

I am in the mood for an ice-themed superhero. I will call the superhero and the series the following: “Ice Princess ” -- so I kill two steps in one move -- Step #1 and Step #2. Well her name is actually the following: Angel “Ice Princess” Snow.

Step #3 is Appearance -- which I’m going with the following: “The Ice Princess is a tall teenager with naturally white hair and blue eyes usually wearing a white evening dress and a pair of high-heeled shoes. Angel Snow is a tall teenager with white hair and blue eyes usually wearing a pink wig, purple-rimmed eyeglasses, a pink turtleneck sweater, purple cargo pants, a pair of pink socks, and a pair of purple loafers.”

Step #4A is Signature Quality, I’m going with the following: “Teenage Ice-Creating Superheroine”.  Step #4B is Standard Qualities, I’m going with the following two: “Sercet Identity: Angel Snow, a normal teenage high school student.” & “Uses a Finland accent while in her Ice Princess identity.”

Before I began the next part of the business, I forgot to assume earlier -- so I’m going to it now. I going. I’m assuming the following for this “Ice Princess” series: Star Power 4, Superhero Tier, and 50 Traits Points. Now back to your usual schedule creating business. 

Step #5 is Star Power and Base Oomph -- and according to my recent assumption above both are given a 4.

Step #6 is Traits. The following businesses are the traits that I have purchased for Angel “Ice Princess” Snow - with the math business in brackets as usual:

  • SERIOUS APPEARANCE 8 (50 - 8 = 42]

  • FLYING 8 [42 - 8 = 34]

  • ICE BEAM 8 [34 - 8 = 26]

  • AGILITY 8 [26 - 8 = 18]

  • SMARTS 5 [18 - 5 = 13]

  • SUPERWORLD KNOWLEDGE 4 [13 - 4 - 9]


  • POP CULTURE KNOWLEDGE 4 [6 - 2 = 4]

  • DRIVING 4 [4-4=0]

Step #7 is Special Rules. I’m going to start with the “Fickle” Special Rule -- and put it on the following traits: SERIOUS APPEARANCE, SUPERWORLD KNOWLEDGE, HIGH SCHOOL SUBJECTS KNOWLEGE & POP CULTURE KNOWLEDGE. 4 +4 = 8. Next, I’m going to put the “Action Feature” on “ICE BEAM”. 8 - 1 = 7.  

Step #8 is Upgrades. I don’t think that Angel needs any upgrades...

...And you can say I am done with the Ice Princess -- and her full character sheet is waiting for you below.


Name: Angel “Ice Princess” Snow

Series: “Ice Princess”

Appearance: The Ice Princess is a tall teenager with naturally white hair and blue eyes usually wearing a white evening dress and a pair of high-heeled shoes. Angel Snow is a tall teenager with white hair and blue eyes usually wearing a pink wig, purple-rimmed eyeglasses, a pink turtleneck sweater, purple cargo pants, a pair of pink socks, and a pair of purple loafers.”

Signature Quality:

▢▢ “Teenage Ice-Creating Superheroine”.

Standard Qualities:
▢ Sercet Identity: Angel Snow, a normal teenage high school student
▢ Uses a Finland accent while in her Ice Princess identity

Star Power: 4

Base Oomph: 4


Upgrades Taken: None

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Character Creation Challenge 2024: #28 = “Cassandra Aelita Henderson” ("Cassandra, The Tabletop Roleplaying Game Master")

Ok. I wanted to create a tabletop roleplaying gamer before we officially change the year from 2023 to 2024 -- and I decided that this business is also an anime. I’m assuming the following: Star Power 4, Human Tier, and 25 Traits Points.

Step #1 is the name. I’m going with the following: “Cassandra Aelita Henderson” for this one.

Step #2 is Series. For this one, I’m going with the following: “Cassandra, The Tabletop Roleplaying Game Master”.

Step #3 is Appearance. For this business, I’m going with the following: “Cassandra Aelita Henderson is a young woman with blonde hair and blue eyes usually wearing a purple tunic and a pair of sandals.”

Step #4A is Signature Quality -- and I’m going with the following: “Well-Known Famous Female Game Master”. Step #4B is Standard Qualities -- which I’m going with the following: “Normal Female Human” & “Very friendly with other humans.”

Step #5 is Star Power and Base Oomph -- and according to my assumption earlier in this file, both are a 4.

Step #6 is Traits. The following businesses have the traits that I have purchased for Cassandra with the math business in brackets as usual.



  • SMARTS 4 [17 - 4 = 13]

  • AGILITY 4 [13 - 4 = 9]

  • POP CULTURE KNOWLEDGE 4 [9 - 4 = 5]

  • DRIVING AUTOMOBILES  4 [5 - 4 = 1]

Step #7 is Special Rules. I’m going to take one -- and that is “Action Feature” for TABLETOP ROLEPLAYING GAME MASTERING.

Step #8 is Upgrades Taken. I decide not to take any upgrades for Cassandra

...And you can say Cassandra is done if you want -- and her full character sheet is waiting for you below:


Name: Cassandra Aelita Henderson

Series: “Cassandra, The Tabletop Roleplaying Game Master”

Appearance: Cassandra Aelita Henderson is a young woman with blonde hair and blue eyes usually wearing a purple tunic and a pair of sandals.

Signature Quality:

▢▢ Well-Known Famous Female Game Master

Standard Qualities:

▢ Normal Female Human

▢ Very friendly with other humans

Star Power: 4

Base Oomph: 4


Upgrades Taken: None