Friday, March 30, 2012


Who's the main character of the next scene? 1 = Jaqueline; 2 = Donna; 3 = Ginna; and 4 = Waterfall. 1 = Jaqueline.

Scence 7: Jaqueline tries to find her other members.

Choas: 6 < 8 = Normal.

Question #1: Does Jaqeuline find a member of the her clique?
My View: 50/50
Mythic View: 43. Yes.

Question #2: It is Donna?
My View: 50/50
Mythic View: 89. No.

Question #3: It Is Ginna?
My View: 50/50
Mythic View: 12. Expectional Yes!

Question #4: Where's Ginna?
My View: Complex Questin
Action Word: 3 = Neglect
Subject Word: 32 = Plans
Meaning: One of the pen and paper game companies had left all of their objects after being scared by Dragonflower. Ginna has landed on top of them.

=Scence #7=

It took Jaqueline some time to find one of her member. She fond Ginna on top of Full Games's table, knocking their pen and paper role-ploying game books on the flow.

Ginna asked, "Find any more clues?"

Jaqueline answered, "Nope."

Ginna said, "Let's try to find Donna. Knowing her luck, she might just have another clue."

Jaqeuline replied, "Argeed."

=S7: END=

Choas: Down to 5.

Now the following is the roll order whom is the next scence focus on is the folllowing: 1) Jaqueline & Ginna; 2) Donna & 3) Waterfall.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


 Scence #6: I going to a random event roll:

Random Event Roll: 7 = Remote Action
Action Word: 24 = Desert (Leave)
Subject Word: 29 = Pain
Meaning: I don't know.

Scence #6: The gang meets Amy Potter for the first time. This is the first time, she's in charge of the Playfest 2012 and she's not a happy camper of a gramer!

Choas: 5 > 4 (Interrupted)
Randon Event Roll: 4 = Remote Event
Action Word: 12 = Increase
Subject Word: 4 = Outside.
Meaning: The gang had to dodge a escaping gamers from Playfest 2012. Waterfall will capture a wheelchair person leaving who explain Dragonflower spook them.

=Scence #6=

Donna, Ginna, Jacqueline and Waterfall wasn't suprizie to find themselves by the front doors of the Playfest 2012 area when twenty dozen busload of gamers were running right at them.

Donna dodged everyone until she was able to get into a janitor's closet. Jaqueline leaped over everything until she was to stay on one of the Video Network's stage upset. Ginna was able to crawl to the air event and stuff herself there until the choas was over with.1

Waterfall had used her tail to hold on a light fixutre. A slow-moving wheel chair drived by a small boy. Waterfall dropped down and asked the wheelcahir boy,. "What was up with that choas scene?"

The wheelchair boy remarked, "Dragonflower spook us. Now let us past."

Waterfall nodded and looked around.......they need to get back together or this case won't get solve."

=S6: END=

Choas: Up to 6.

Sorry, I been messing with my Kindle Fire alot lately. If I don't finish this by April, I will make sure to finish it in April. By the way, the next few scences will have the gang splitered thanks to the choas mob. I will roll on a D12 and it will feature that characters. 1 = Jaqueline. 2 = Donna. 3 = Ginna and 4 = Waterfall. This will last until the gang's back together again..
1MOVES CHECK: TARGET: 12 (Jock)/15. (Other People). Jaquleine (Jock): 6 + 3 + 5 = 14 + 5 = 19 + 3 = 22 > 12 = Success! Donna (Brain): 4 + 1 + 6 = 15 + 7 = 22 + 1 = 23 > 15 = Success! Ginna (Goof): 3 + 2 + 1 = 6 + 8 = 14 + 3 = 17 > 15! Success!

Sunday, March 18, 2012


 Scence 5: The gang looks for clues and found oen of the clues I listed in the monster file.1

Choas: 5 < 7 = Normal

Question #1: Is it clue #1?
My View: 50/50
Mythic View: 42. Yes. You going to learn the first clue in the scene.

=Scence 5=

Ginna, Jacquline and Waterfall watch as Donna retrace their chase path with Dragonflower in order to finds some clues to decide if Dragonflower real planet being or just a moron in a costume.

Donna was under a table and come out holding a peice of roll-up paper. 2 Donnaun-rolled the paper to reveal a "GURPS" character sheet. Donna skimmed it and then said, "This is a pen and paper caracter sheet for a modern day GURPS campign."3

Waterfall said, "Well, that could make anyone a suspect."

Jacqueline remarked, "We need more clues!"

=Scence 5: End=

Choas: Stays at 5

1DR. THINKER: You get the monster file I am done with the game!
2TARGET : 15. Donna's Smarts: 3 + 2 + 1 = 6 + 10 = 16. She did it!
3DR. THINKER: This is Clue #1.


Scene 4: The gang meet up with some who knows what monster is.

Choas Ranking: 6
Roll: 6 < 10. Normal.

Question #2: Is the informationer a female gamer?
My View: 50/50
Mythic View: 10. Expectial Yes. Her name is Camelita York and she's loves every games

= Scene 4=

 Ginna, Donald, Jacquline and Waterfall were in the video game area – recovering from the chase they had with the female flower monster.

Donald asked to his team-mates said, "What kind of plant creature would wear a taira and a space suit?"

A familar voice – the love of all things games – Camelita York answered, "Dragonflower."

Jacquline asked, "Who or what is Dragonflower?"

Ginna replied, "Dragonflower is the final boss of the video game called, ''The Awful Attack of the Plant Beings From Outerspace.'' -- a modern day platform game in which the heroes had to defeat to save Earth from being overrun by planet beings. Her goal is cover the entire universe with living planet beings."1

Camelita said, "I could haven't say it better then you."

Ginna smiled and nodded.

=Scence 4: End=

Choas: Down to 5.

Add: Camelita York to the NPC List

1TARGET: 10. Ginna's Geek = 5 + 6 + 1 = 12 + 2 = 24. Successfully.

Saturday, March 17, 2012


Scence #3: The New Athens Cliche test the role-playing game.

Choas Roll: 5 > 4 (Interrupted.)

Question #1: Does the flower monster show up?
My View: Very Likely.
Mythic View: 55. Yep. Random Event Roll (R.E.R.) time
R.E.R.: 50 = Move a Away from a Threads (None yet.)

=Scence #3=

As they were at pasting a fake tombstones for D.A and G.G., the New Athens Cliche, saw a large purple flower with pink eye wearing a taira and a dark purple space suit.1

Waterfall yelled, "Make like a river and run!"

Ginna, Jaquline, Donna and Waterfall run around the convention trying to lose the monster, making everyone nervous wreck. Donna spotten a old flame element costume from a college university "Dragons and Caves" play – she put it on and yelled to the flower monster:"Do you feel the burn today?"

The flower monster yiped and jet off. Donna took of the costume and said, "Looks like they is a mystery growing here." 2

The other member of the New Athens cliche nodded.

=Scence 3: END=

Choas: Up to 6 (Thanks to the flower monster)

Add to Thread List: Solve the flower monster mystery.

1MED-KIDS: Smart Check. Target Number: 32. Donna: 2 + 4 + 2 = 8 + 10 = 18; Ginna: 1 + 2 + 6 = 9 + 5 = 14; Queen = 3 + 2 + 4 = 9 + 4 = 13. Waterfall: 4 + 6 + 5 = 15 + 3 = 18. We got a chase scene.
2TARGET: 13. Donna's Monster Mind = 1 + 2 + 3 = 6 + 10 = 16 + 6 = 22. Successful


Scence #2: Our cliche arrives at the Playfest 2010

Choas Ranking: 5
Choas Rolling: 5 < 6.

Question #1: Are they sticking together?
My View: 50/50
Mythic View: 6.Expectional Yes. The group is heading there to test a retro-RPG that might have been a Supergame NES games that will coming to X-Box Arcade, WiiWare, and the Sony Entertaiment Network.

=Scence #2=

Ginna Baytime, Donna Zeenie, Jacqueline Kitting and Waterfall entered the the large convention building where Playfest 2010 was at. They were weclome by Dan Potter, the brother of Amy Potter

Donna asked, "Where is Amy?"

Dan answered, "As soon after she did the speech, she told me that she will be doing a "Spirit of Century" game for some of the lucky gamers here."1 He paused for a second and asked, "Since they are no real monsters for you to deal with today: so what are you going do?"

Ginna Baytime said, "We heading to test a retro console role-playing game for a company we saved from faking a water element."

Dan said, "Who ever thought that up was all wet."

After the New Athens clique laugh, Dan passed Jacqueline a map and said, "Have fun, Queen and co."

=Scence 2=

Choas: Stay 5

Add: Dan Potter, Amy's brother to the NPCs.

1 MYTHIC: Are they weclomed by Amy Potter? My View: 50/50. Mythic View: 98. Expectional No. Amy Potter had a game room set-up and right now in the middle of "The Spirit of Century game". They are wecloemd by Dan Potter


Scence #1: Amy starts Playfest 2012 off.

Choas Ranking: 5
Choas Rolling: 10.
10 > 5 = The scence is done normal.

Question #1: Is our cliche there?
My View: 50/50
Mythic View: 69. Not yet.

=Scence #1:=

A female television newsporter was standing by a stage. The stage had logo of many different game companys from Hasbro to Wizard of the Coast to Nintendo.

The female television newsporter said, "Thank you, Dave. Today is the start of Playfest 2012 and Amy Potter, one of the most famous of New Athens's games is about to began the usual opening spiral speech."

The fmeale televison reporter and her camera man turn to the stage and saw that red hair woman with eyeglassess wearning a T-shirt with a logo for Captian N: The Game Master. Amy Potter said, "Weclome to Playfest 2012. May people belive the Aztec had claimed the world will end. That's just a bunch of hogwash. We started here in the 1970s, gamers here in New Athens had escaped the devil- hunt of the 1980s and the mindless critics who were feel with blood and gore were ramaging though the video games in the 1990s. Let's hope the future leads to more gamer – card games, dice games, board games, pen and paper role-playing games and video games. And as I end every year – let's play!"

=Scence #1; END=

Choas: Stays 5

MEDDLING KIDS: The NPCs Lists & The Thread List

The list of NPCs & the lists for Meddling Kids game. They might be spoilers for the game, so they are under a jump cut.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Meddling Kids: New Athens

This post is all about New Athens.

Founding of New Athens:

It starts off with four Greece-Americans heading out west after the Civil War was finished. They make they were to a nice beach location on what you be the Pacific Ocean side of Oregon.  The founding call it Maid Beach as each one used the first letter of their last name: Mistress Myagoron, Mister Alathinin, Mistress Icakizina, and Mister Dorrozzini.

This lead them to founder to lead to a discover that they love ancient Greek myth, so they decide to build a town called "New Athens". When Oregon become a state, New Athens become part of the United States of America.


Presently, most of the New Athens business related to games -- card games, board games, dice games, table-top role-playing games, and video games. Every year since 1972, they is Playfest -- a week long game convention featuring all games off all the previous mention. In the past two years, the biggest sections are "table-top role-playing games" and the "video games". 

They are few animated studio here -- working doing web-based cartoon. One company even vow to make a retro-1980s cartoon for "Netflix" but need time to make a sixty-five episodes series. 

Sports are good money makers as always -- and New Athens is no exception to the rules. The professional football team called  "The Gordons". The professional baseball team is called "The Titans". The professorial hockey time is called "The Cerberuses". The professional basketball team is called "The Peagusies".

In the comic book company, Zeus Comics, makes it's home here. Most superhero are named after the Greek gods and goddess.

The most famous book copy is Athena Publishing Company. It's famous series is the kid book series "Computer Cyan", a female kid detective in the fictional town of Ivywood, Georgina.

High School:

The New Athens Cliche goes to school at Jayina Niffon Myagoron High School. Most people call it J.N.M High School -- including the New Athens Cliche. The school's team teams are The Hydras (for the boys) and The Harpies (for the girls).

Myths and Urban Legends:

The following are myths and urban legends that might be use by a crook or happen to be really real!

  • A old theme park know as "Fairyville" that was closed two months after Walt Disney open up Disneyland in California is hunted by "The Forgotten Princess", "Fairyville owners claimed that she was the last story, the Brothers Grim listen to. The Brothers Grim were shocked by the nasty events of the story and didn't write the story down in their book of fairy tales. 
  • The Museum of Natural Western American History is hunted by Allen Gergon, a famous pulp-era gangster know getting his heart removed by a shotgun from a rival gangster. His heart is on permanent delay at this museum. 
  • Hercules Mall, the largest mall in the city, is hunted by a Judy Loomstone, a old actress who lost half of her brain in a dangerous stunt while filming a movie in California. She is know for a pretty random ghost by so-called "ghost hunters".
  • The old Goldbrim Factory, a hat factory is hunted by the Chemical Creature. Legends claim the Creature was make from mercury and people claim that it's as or greater insane then Mad Hatter of "Wonderland" fame.
  • Gordon Radio, a old radio station building is hunted by Archane, a half-spider and half-human creature. Someone people who escape from Archane sounds ancient enough to really be Archane that Athena turned into a spider and believes with time, Archane might become fully human again. The heartless critics think that it's a female crook that wanted a full spider outfit -- but only got a half of one. The normal critics just shrug their shoulders.
  • Neptune Park, the city's largest park is know for Fairy, who loves to pull pranks if anyone enters the Fairy Forrest. Some fairy freaks think she's real as Waterfall. Critics of the fairy freaks believe she's just someone in costume. One thing both can agree on is that Fairy isn't a problem.
  • Old Brimstone Church, is home to one of the Gomia, an Angel of Games. Back in the mid-1980s, when Father Steve Salt was rating against pen and paper role-playing games. Gornia appeared before him and used her sword to kill him. Gamers  believe Gornia is real and proof that God doesn't hate Gamers. 
  • Foggy Lake, a lake at Hera Park, is home to the Foggy Frog, a large frog that loves to eat anything he can get this tongue on. 

Meddling Kids: The New Athens Cliche's Goof = Ginna Baytime

I forget to update my blog yesterday. That's OK. You getting two posts here. This one – featuring the New Athens's Cliche's Goof.

Name: Ginna Baytime
Archetype: The Goof


Strengh: 5
Moves: 8
Smarts: 5


Clown (Health +2) = Freebie
Bottomless Stomach (Health + 1)= -1
Double-Jointed (Moves + 3) = -5
Grossout (Health + 1) = -1
Pack Rat (Smarts + 1) = -5
Weirdness Magnet = -3
Connected (Smarts + 2) = -1
Geek (Smarts +2) = -4


Gina's appearance is a teenage girl with black hair and black eyes usually dressed in a purple blouse, pink vest with four pockets, purple skirt, and purple sneakers.


Gina was the one that fished out Waterfall's ice block from the sea. Gina has connections across the United States of America. Gina has a love of "1980s cartoons", "cooking shows" and "game shows" that some people would claim borders on metal illness. Gina aslo has a bottomless stomach and is always hungry.

Notes on Ginna's Abilities:

Clown = The character can make anyone laugh including villains and monsters.
Bottom Stomach = The character can eat a lot of food, and not get sick
Double-Jointed = This can be use anytime a character needs super dexterity, as with yoga, or sqeeuzing into a small space.
Grossout = Yick! This allows a character to have anyone get diguisted just become he or she did
something really gross (show chewed food, burp, has gas, pick his or her nose, make nasty nosies, what ever seems right at the time).
Pack Rat = The character has a habit of keeping the weirdiest stuff in his or her pockets or hang bags. If that character or a member of Cliche needs a odd item, roll to see if you have it. The Catch: It must be an item that an item that fit in a pocket or purse.
Weirdness Magnet = Another very special ability. Your character seems to naturally attract strange things and people. You, the player, do not roll this ability; the monster or whatever nearby weirdo makes a Smart roll to see if it notices you. Great to have if the Clique needs someone as bait for a trap.
Connected = You know a lot of gossip, and the best way you find out the scoop on anyone is thought all your connections. Roll to see if and what you find out. Note: Gossip isn't always relibable information.
Geek = This help a character to remember any knowedlge about TV Show, movies, comic books, and other pop-culture triva.


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Meddling Kids: New Athens's Cliche's The Brain = Donna Zennie

We are done with half of the group thanks to Wild Card and Jock. All "meddling kids" group needs "The Brain" and that's what we going to do for this post.

Name: Donna Zennie
Archetype: The Brain


Moves: 7
Health: 5


Bookworm (Smarts + 1d6) = Freebie
Dodge (Moves + 1d6) = -5
Monster Mind (Smarts + 3) = -6
Nosey (Smarts +2) = -2
Slam (Smarts + 1) = -3
Sleuth (Smarts + 3) = -4


Usually, Donna Zennie appears as a red hair girl with red eyes dressed in a wire-frame glassess, white shirt with a pocket, baggy cargo pants, and loafers.


Donna Zennie's dad, Zarra Zennie, is retired film dictor know more making famous fantasy films n the 1980s in Hollywood, Californa. Her mother, Tanya Zennie, is a retired animated that worked on many of the 1980s action cartoons. It's no mystery why Donna Zennie has a love affair with monsters of all kind. Her favorite monster happen to be mermaids of all types and genders. When her friends freed Waterfall from her block of ice, she was the one that "flipped her wig" when it was discover that Waterfall was still alive! She does have a "mad sceincist" type laugh, which she claim it runs in the Zennie family.

Notes on Donna's Abilities:

Bookworm = For any roll when researching a subject that’s in a library, or to remember something you’ve previously read in a book. This does not apply to online research.
Dodge = The character can dodge any object flying at him or her.
Monster Mind = The character knows so much about supernatural monsters (Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, aliens, etc.) that he or she can almost think just like them. Roll to see if your character knows what the monster will do next.
Nosey = This helps a character determine whether or not to give in to the urge to investigate any situation. If you don’t make the Target Number, the character will investigate, no matter how dangerous it may seem.
Slam = This helps a character to have a quick come-back to any insult or obvious statement
Sleuth = This helps a character to look for clues.

Zennie's "Zennie's Family Mad Scienist's Laugh" Claim:

It's up to the GM to decide if this is true or not. For my "Meddling Kid" game, I'm assuming true.  

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Meddling Kids: The New Athens Cliche's Jock = Jacqueline Kitting

"Meddling Kids" playable cliche (their term for a group of meddling kids) can fit in one of the following archetypes:

* The Jock: The strong adventurer who’s got the muscle and the courage.
The Fluff: The attractive character that becomes the focus of all love interests. 
The Brain: The smart one in the group. 
* The Goof: The wacky character who always sees the humor in any situation.
The Temper: The emotionally driven character that can motivate others into
action; sometimes a trickster or a rebel. 
* The Sidekick: The dependable one who’s always there in a jam.
* The Innocent: The optimist who always sees the best in everyone
and everything.

First off, since I say my New Athens including their Wild Card are all female. I'm removing "The Fluff" from the group. Well, I need a leader for the group -- and the usually it's the Jock of the team. To find the stats of a character you need to make your number up to to 24. Each stat has a limit of 10. For abilities, you have 26 to take -- but you get one freebie. The abilities cost is after the "=" sign in the full states below

The following is the full stat of the New Athens Cliche's Jock: Jacqueline Kitting.

Name: Jacqueline Kitting
Archetypes: The Jock


Strength: 10
Moves: 5
Smarts: 4
Health: 5


Sporty (Strength +3) = Freebie
Sprint (Moves + 3) = -4
Immovable (Health + 3) = -5
Level-Head (Health + 3) = -3
Sneak (Moves +3) = -4
Strong-Willed (Health +3) = -7


Usually, Jacqueline Kitting is a brown hair teenage with brown eyes usually wearing a blue polo, blue jeans and blue and white sneakers.


As a baby,Jacqueline Kitting was know for kicking anyone from the doctor who brought her into the world to family members. At age of  2, she stopped fighting realizing she can that she had a mouth and was able to talk to her parents with ease. Her parents would say she was the only kid in the world that didn't have a "terrible two" in her life. Both her parents,  Donna and Kevin Kitting, are a substitute teacher for the city of New Athens. Her friends usually call her "Queen" -- if they don't want to use her full name.

Notes on "Queen"'s Abilities:

Sporty = This gives a character a bonus to all sport-related activities, like running, throwing, hitting, or catching.
Sprint = This helps a character to run quickly a short distance (about 100 yards).
Immovable = This helps a character to stand his or her ground when someone is
charging at the character.
Level-Headed = The character rarely loses his or her cool, no matter how stressed
or angry the others may be.
Sneak = This determines how well a character can move without making any noise.
Strong-Willed = Rarely will the character be bullied or even give up during a stare-down; the character might even giggle or just be confused by the bully. Roll to see if the character’s will breaks.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Meddling Kids: The New Athens Cliche's Wildcard = Waterfall

The following is the New Athens Cliche's Wild Card. Wild Card is the mascot of the team such as Speedy Buggy, Jabberjaw, The Funky Phantom & Scooby-Doo. I think I make the cliche a four member team. The number "four counts" the Wild Card. All of them are female as I promised some time in November 2011.

Name: Waterfall
Archetype: Wild Card


Strength = 7
Moves = 7
Smarts = 3
Health = 7

Abilities = Cost

Quirks (Always has to comb her hair after getting hit by something: food, trash, monster's tail, etc.) = Freebie
Speaks (No Roll Needed) = 2
Brawler (Strength + 6) = 7
Fish Out of Water (Health + 1d6) = 5
Wild Whiz (The Sea)[Smart + 6] = 6
Skit (Smart + 6) = 6


The New Athens Cliche were just minding their business at Maid Beach. They were fishing when one of them got a hook. He thought he hooked a whale or shark -- but it turn out to a mermaid stuck in ice. They got the mermaid out of the ice -- and the New Athens Cliche got their mermaid's name:Waterfall. Waterfall, the Mermaid, is a blond hair teenage mermaid with a blue shirt and orange tail. She enjoys swimming, singing, and sun-tanning. She hates toxic waste, sharks, and losing her comb.

Notes on Waterfall's Abilities:

Speaks = No Roll Needed. The Wild Card can talk and everyone (not just the Clique) understands.
Brawler = The Wild Card is able to fight with any natural part of its body, such as teeth, claws, fists, etc. In this case, it's stands for Waterfall's tail.
Fish Out of Water = The Wild Card can adapt to any environment, regardless of its species.
Wild Whiz = This knowledge can be of any subject matter (not just school subjects), but only one subject per Whiz ability. Examples: Wild Whiz - Comic Books, Wild Whiz - Pop Songs, Wild Whiz - Italian cuisine, etc. In Waterfall's case s abilities - this related to the sea itself.
Skirt  = The Wild Card has the talent to turn the situation into a funny skit in order to confuse the monster or villain. The skit must be described to all players.

Monday, March 5, 2012

March's Game is "Meddling Kids"

Our March game is "Meddling Kids" as the title. Since March 21 is the start of spring the northern hemisphere of Earth, the monster is going to be a giant flower. I ask Mythic Game Emulator question about the giant flower that why I can get the clues I need for the mystery including if it's a Scooby-Doo Hoax (Please search TV Tropes if you want to know what that means, I don't have a lot of time before work.)