Sunday, March 25, 2012


 Scence #6: I going to a random event roll:

Random Event Roll: 7 = Remote Action
Action Word: 24 = Desert (Leave)
Subject Word: 29 = Pain
Meaning: I don't know.

Scence #6: The gang meets Amy Potter for the first time. This is the first time, she's in charge of the Playfest 2012 and she's not a happy camper of a gramer!

Choas: 5 > 4 (Interrupted)
Randon Event Roll: 4 = Remote Event
Action Word: 12 = Increase
Subject Word: 4 = Outside.
Meaning: The gang had to dodge a escaping gamers from Playfest 2012. Waterfall will capture a wheelchair person leaving who explain Dragonflower spook them.

=Scence #6=

Donna, Ginna, Jacqueline and Waterfall wasn't suprizie to find themselves by the front doors of the Playfest 2012 area when twenty dozen busload of gamers were running right at them.

Donna dodged everyone until she was able to get into a janitor's closet. Jaqueline leaped over everything until she was to stay on one of the Video Network's stage upset. Ginna was able to crawl to the air event and stuff herself there until the choas was over with.1

Waterfall had used her tail to hold on a light fixutre. A slow-moving wheel chair drived by a small boy. Waterfall dropped down and asked the wheelcahir boy,. "What was up with that choas scene?"

The wheelchair boy remarked, "Dragonflower spook us. Now let us past."

Waterfall nodded and looked around.......they need to get back together or this case won't get solve."

=S6: END=

Choas: Up to 6.

Sorry, I been messing with my Kindle Fire alot lately. If I don't finish this by April, I will make sure to finish it in April. By the way, the next few scences will have the gang splitered thanks to the choas mob. I will roll on a D12 and it will feature that characters. 1 = Jaqueline. 2 = Donna. 3 = Ginna and 4 = Waterfall. This will last until the gang's back together again..
1MOVES CHECK: TARGET: 12 (Jock)/15. (Other People). Jaquleine (Jock): 6 + 3 + 5 = 14 + 5 = 19 + 3 = 22 > 12 = Success! Donna (Brain): 4 + 1 + 6 = 15 + 7 = 22 + 1 = 23 > 15 = Success! Ginna (Goof): 3 + 2 + 1 = 6 + 8 = 14 + 3 = 17 > 15! Success!

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