Monday, January 14, 2013

CAH:S2 - Molly - Act #2, Scene #1

Act #2,Scene 1: TPIR Jr. starts.

Chaos Roll: 5 > 4 = Interrupt

Random Event Roll: 100 = NPC Positive.
NPC in Question: 1 = Vainixa
Action Word: 96 = Guide
Subject Word: 25 = Friendship
Meaning: That was a very funny group of rolls I did, but since Vainixa isn’t here, I have to to the do the following:  play the "I don't know" card and assume the scene goes normally.

=Act 2, Scene #1=

The TPIR Jr. announcer, Kayla Takonia spoke the following: “From Bob Barker studio in CBS Studio, he comes a twist on the the Price is the Right, TPIR Jr.   Molly Zakiyak come on down!

Molly rushes down to contest row after this. As usual, Kayla calling names to come one down. The first one after herself  was Jane Flyara, a female Dragonian. Next come, Kevin Slugorgo, a male Yuckian. That was follow by Vinnie Vazzarini, a Cloudian. Next, was Timothy Byokinoa, a Cleanon.

After Timothy was called, Molly heard Kalya spoke the following, “And here is your TPIR Jr. host, Winnie Wolf.”

Winnie Wolf comes out to a very warm welcome. Winnie remarked, “Bob Barker, eat your heart out.”

Vinnie Vazzarini asked, “Who is Bob Barker?”

Molly answered, “The host of the adult version.”

Winnie remarked, “Thanks for doing that Molly. That would speed up the show pretty well.”

=Act #2. Scene #1: END=

Since Molly was supposed to be make in the 1980s, it would be easy to assume that studio would assume that Bob Barker would be on "The Price is Right" until his death. You can aslo assume the studio members behind this would be show to shock when Bob Barker retired 2007.

Logging off, Dr. Thinker

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