Friday, February 11, 2022

The final note on the Character Creation Challenge 2022

 It is time for the final note on the Character Creation Challenge. If you had successfully done the 31 Characters for January of this year -- known as 2022, you can get the following from TardisCaptian -- by e-mailing him. Follow the following link to TardisCaptian's homepage: 

It took some time to fire off an e-mail to TardisCaptian, but I did it -- and got the following in return:

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Character Creation Challenge 2022: "Behind the Posts"

 Hello, this is just some stuff related to the secret behind the Character Creation Challenge posts for 2022. To start off, last year, I got off to a late start -- starting on Jan 7, 2021 -- but this time I went off really early -- in November 2021. The following are the characters in order of creation:

#1: “Action System” (Arak) = Arak’s name is a reverse of the first name of my real favorite alien heroine of all time: Kara Zor-El a.k.a Supergirl.
#2: “ALIEN RPG” (Betty Brick)
#3: “All Flesh Must Be Eaten” (Karren Brimstone) = Karren comes from the name of those women that are facing a midlife crisis that annoy any workers that Reddit complains about on the “I Don’t Work Here, Lady!” Reddit.

#4: “Alma Mater” (Nina Zaffera)
#5: “Cartoon Action Hour: Season 1” (Princess Aelita) = Once again I take the name from a famous cartoon -- Aelita Stone of “Code Lyoko”.
#6: “Cartoon Action Hour: Season 2” (Cassie Cloud)
#7: “Cartoon Action Hour: Season 3” (Suzanne Orange)
#8: “Dream Park: The Roleplaying Game” (Betty Bishop) = I always want to create someone who is related to the troublemaker known as Nigel Bishop -- and with this character I did it.

#9: “Faery’s Tales” (“Tin”)
#10: “Far Away Land” (“Mai”)

#11: “FATE” (“Connie Stume”) = Connie’s name is a pun on the word known as “Costume”.
#12: “Ghostbusters (“Kara Kannon”) = Kara’s name comes from Supergirl. In fact, her Goal is related to the death of Supergirl in “Crisis of Infinite Earth” #7.

#13: “Hero System - Sixth Edition” (Angel) = I think I did a better job of tracking points in this game this year than I did last year.
▢ #14: “It’s Come From The Late, Late, Late Show” (Thomas Guitar)

#15: “ICONS” from Adamant Entertainment (“Neon”)
#16: “ICONS '' from Ad Infinitum Adventures (“Makica”) = I was surprised that I got a Gimmick Origin for both PCs in both versions of “ICONS”.
#17: “James Bond 007 RPG” (“Anna Stania”) = The reason I write that bottle throw at me - is that Anna Stania is a pun on Annastina, the last Princess of Russia before the Soviets.
#18: “Meddling Kids” (“Billy Brick”)
#19: “Mazes & Minotaurs” (“Cassandra”) = The name of the character from the Trojan princess from Greecian mythology -- the one that rejected Apollo.
#20: “On The Air” (“Araka”) = Another reverse of Supergirl’s alien name backward with an extra A added for this PC’s name.
#21: “Open Legends” (“Jazz”) = I always want to create a cyberpunk character named Jazz -- and since last year I made a fantasy character for this RPG. Jazz’s name comes from the character of the same name from the “Transformer: G1” cartoon.
#22: “Mutants and Mastermind  - Third Edition” (“Kyana”)
#23: “Big Eyes, Small Mouth - Fourth Edition” (“Mekkia”)
#24: “Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game” (“Princess Zana”)
#25: “RetroStar” (“Araka”) = Similar to #20, I spell Supergirl’s alien name backward with an extra “A” added.
#26: “Slasher Flick” (“Stephen Queen”) = If you think this is a joke on Stephen King, the famous horror writer. Give yourself a cookie of any kind -- even the Internet version -- as you are right as a rain of blood! Sorry, a little horror-themed joke there.
#27: “Awful Cheerful Engine” (“Sarah Kyllien”) = I bought this game on DriveThru RPG -- on Dec. 26, 2020, with help of a DriveThu  RPG gift card from Odin Thinker, my brother.
▢ #28: “Biff! Bam! Kapow!” (Miss Fairy) = I bought this game on DriveThu RPG -- on Dec 25, 2020 -- yes, Christmas Day 2020 -- with the help of the formerly mentioned gift card.
#29: “Open Versatile Anime” (“Hikaru Hishuri”)
#30: “Toon” (Keith) = This time around I remember the skills for this character instead of last year's character, the bat called Princess Cassandra. 

#31: “Risus” (“Donna Dragon”) = For fun, I wanted to end this year’s business by creating a tabletop roleplaying gamer.

So that’s 2022. If I don’t post much on this Blogger spot -- you will see stuff from me in January 2023 -- since I will be doing the C.C.C. business again.  It is a toss-up between doing what I have been doing this year and the last -- or just doing 31 characters in “Cartoon Action Hour: Season 3”.