Friday, December 21, 2012

CAH -- Santa Time -- Scene #11 & Scene #12

From this point onward, if I get any random event rolls, I can't figure out a idea for a third phrase I make from the action word and subject words, I going to put the "I dunno rule on things."

Scene #11: Santa and C.C. complete Africa

Chaos Rank: 5
Chaos Roll: 5 < 6 = Normal.

Question #1: Are they any problems?
My View: 50/50
Mythic View: 14. Yes, but I don't have any idea.

Question #2: Bad guys?
My View: 50/50
Mythic View: 68.

Question #3: Animals?
My View: 50/50
Mythic View: 12. Yes.

Question #4: Lions?
My View: 50/50
Mythic View: 83. Nope.

Question #5: Elephants?
My View: 50/50
Mythic View: 12. Yes.  It's a elephant stampede. I'm assuming Elite Goon Squad  That means the following are present for the Elephants

Goon Squad: 3
Bonus: Extremely Rugged, Ensnare (Trunk)

=Scene #11=

Santa Claus and C.C. were busy with a town some near the border to South Africa, when they saw a group of elephants coming at them. C.C. cannonballed into Santa's sleigh which make the reindeer took off from. Santa looked that he was going to get run-over by elephants and decide to use some of his Christmas magic.....

[CAH:S2.  Elephants = 3 + 9 = 12. Santa = 100 + 7 = 107. Successfully done.]

Santa's Christmas magic dropped a ton of chocolate cover peanuts on the elephants who decide to eat it. Santa leaped up to the sleigh.

C.C. laughed. Santa joined in with his own laughing.

=S11: END=

Choas: Still at 5.

Scene #12: Santa deals with Asia/Australia portion of his journey.

Choas Roll: 5 > 1 (Altered)

Question #1: Should I roll a random event?
My View: 50/50
Mythic View: 27. Yes. Remember if I can't figure out a Random Event after three time, I'm treating the scene as normal with no problems.

Random Event; Round #1:

Roll:  70 = PC Positive. That's old St. Nick himself.
Action Word: 98 = Overthrow
Subject Word: 10 = Good.
Phrase: "Overthrow of Good." -
Meaning:The above phrase is  downright evil! Santa would never do anything like that. Re-roll!

Random Event: Round #2:

Roll: 6 = Remote Event
Action Word: 46 = Develop
Subject Word: 36 = Bureaucracy
Phrase: "Develop of Bureaucracy"
Meaning: Miss Claus calls in telling that one Workshop Elf, one Shopping Elf, one Reindeer Elf, one Mail Elf  and one Food Elf are working on making an congress to kept the North Pole at a better state then it's usually is.  This comes from Santa's Trumblr account as he finishes Japan (Russia is a Europe nation despite half of it being in Asia)

=Scene #11:=

[From Santa's Trumblr]

Well, as C.C. and I were getting out of Japan after finishing it, we got a call Mrs. Claus. She explained that one elf from each of the five branches I had -- Workshop (makes toys that aren't electric), Shopping  (by brand name toys with either gold), Reindeer (takes care of the Reindeers), Mail Elf (deals with letters) and Food (make food such as cookies and candy canes) were working on creating a congress to make sure the North Pole works better in the years to come. Mrs.Claus told me that it would mostly like take two years for them get every set up,  I don't think I to deal with the his year.

=END: S11=

Chaos Rank: Still at 5.

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