Monday, January 23, 2023

Character Creation Challenge 2023: #23 = “Hero System ”


Our next game is Hero System. Even if it is a universal system, it’s very well known as the system behind “Champions”, a superhero game -- so I’m going a superhero -- but I still need to know the comic book age of the fictional Game Master’s campaign -- and this is where Mythic comes in. Question #1: Golden Age (From 1939 to 1949). Mythic View: 7. Outrageous Yes. And the champion is in the Superheroic business.

For my character, I’m going with what if a female version of Mr. Mxyzpltk was the first superhero in the world. Mr. Mxyzpltk is a famous imp from another dimensional who annoys the living daylights of Superman in DC Comics -- so he’s very powerful. So I’m going with the following: Toal Points of 2,000 -- and I’m going to avoid the rulebook’s guide business on things.

Now it’s time to do some to do the characteristics of my hero.  The following is what I did with math business in brackets as usual:

  • Strength of 20 (Base Vale is 10. 1*10=10. 2,000 - 10 = 1,990)

  • Dexterity of 20 (Base Vale is 10. 2*10=20. 1,990 - 20 = 1,970)

  • Constitution of 30 (Base Vale is 10. 1*20=20. 1,970 - 20 =1,950

  • Intelligence of 30  (Base Vale is 10. 1*20=20. 1,950 - 20 = 1,930)

  • Ego of 40 (Base Vale is 10. 1*30=30. 1,930 - 30 = 1,900.)

  • Presence of 40 (Base Vale of 10. 1*30=30. 1,900 - 30 = 1,870

  • Offense Combat Value of 10. (Base Vale is 3. 10 - 3 = 7. 7*5=35. 1,870 - 35 = 1,835)

  • Defensive Combat Value of 10. (Base Vale is 3. 10 - 3 = 7. 7*5=35. 1,8735 - 35 =1,800.)

  • Offense Mind Combat Vale of 20. (Base Vale is 3. 20 - 3 = 17. 17*3=51. 1,800 - 51 = 1,749.)

  • Defensive Combat Vale of 20. (Base Vale is 3. 20 - 3 = 17. 17*3=51. 1,749 - 51 = 1,698)

  • Speed of 30. (Base Value is 2. 30 - 2 = 28. 10 * 28 = 280. 1,698 - 280 = 1,418)

  • Physical Defense of 20. (Base Vale is 2. 20 - 2 = 18. 1*18=18. 1,418 - 18 = 1,400

  • Energy Defense of 30 (Base Vale is 2. 30 - 2  - 28. 1*28=28. 1,400 - 28 = 1,372.

  • Recovery of 40. (Base Vale is 4. 40 - 4 = 36. 1*36=36. 1,372 - 36 = 1,336.)

  • Endurance of 20. (That’s the Base Value.) 

  • Body of 50. (Base Value is 10. 50 - 10  = 40. 1*40=40. 1,336 - 40 = 1,296)

  • Stun of 40. (Base Vale is 20. 40 - 20 = 20. 1*20=20. 1,296 - 20 = 1,276)

To save me from a headache, the fictional Game Master isn’t using the Movement table from the rulebook.

Now it’s time to deal with the skills of the PC. Luckily, I got some help from the rulebook for this one - as usual, the math business is in the brackets -- and the following is what I give my PC:

  • Acting of 10. (1,276 - 3 = 1,273)

  • Bureaucratic of 10 (1,273 - 3 = 1,270)

  • Concealment of 10 (1,270 - 3 = 1,267)

  • Conversation of 10. (1,267 - 3 = 1,264)

  • Disguise of 20 (1,264 - 6 =1,258)

  • Knowledge (Imps) of 30 (1,258 - 9 = 1,249)

  • Power (Magic) of 40, 1,258 - 12 = 1,237

Perks are next. I’m going to take two here. Anonymity & Positive Reputation. The first cost me 3 points. 1,237 - 3 = 1,234. I will be assuming Jinx, my PC, a city about the size of Superman’s Metropolis -- for the Positive Reputation.

I’m only going to take Universal Translation for Jinx’s only Talent. That cost me 20 points. 1,234 - 20 = 1,214.)

Now, it’s time for powers. The following is what I brought for Jinx with the math business in brackets as usual:

  • Barrier (I’m guessing 50 for Jinx’s body. 50 * 3 = 150. 1,214 - 150 = 1,064)

  • Extra-Dimensional Movement. (20 + 10 = 30 + 15 = 45. 1,064 - 45 = 1,019)

  • Flight 100 (100m * 1= 100. 1,019 - 100 = 919)

  • Shape Shift (8+5=13+2=15+3=18+10=28. 919 - 28 = 891)

Now it’s time for Complication for Jinx - the following is what I picked for my character with the math business in brackets as usual:

  • Psychological Complication: Makes a train load of puns. (Very Common, Moderate. Cost: 15 + 0 = 15. 891 - 15 = 876. 

I’m done with the powers, so I need a name. That is going to Jinx.

Now, I’m going to need an appearance -- which is the following: “Jinx appears to be a teenage human with pink hair in pigtails and blue eyes usually dressed in a purple toga and sandals.”

Now, I need a background -- which I’m going with the following: “Worried about the seriousness of the Earthlings in the 1920s, Jinx slipped out of her home dimension to Earth - -and started to fight crime in her humorful way.”

And I finished with Jinx -- below this paragraph are Jinx’s full stats.


Name: Jinx

Appearance: Jinx appears to be a teenage human with pink hair in pigtails and blue eyes usually dressed in a purple toga and sandals.


▢ Strength: 20
▢ Dexterity: 20

▢ Constitution: 30

▢ Intelligence: 30

▢ Ego: 40

▢ Presence: 40

▢ Offense Combat Value: 10

▢ Defensive Combat Value: 10 

▢ Offense Mind Combat Value: 20

▢ Defensive Combat Value: 20

▢ Speed: 30

▢ Physical Defense: 20

▢ Energy Defense: 30

▢ Recovery: 40

▢ Endurance: 20

▢ Body: 50
▢ Stun: 40


▢ Acting:  10 

▢ Bureaucratic: 10

▢ Concealment: 10

▢ Conversation: 10

▢ Disguise: 20

▢ Knowledge (Imps): 30

▢ Power (Magic): 40


▢ Anonymity 

▢ Positive Reputation 


▢ Universal Translation: 9


▢ Barrier: 50

▢ Extra Dimisonal Movement (Any Dimisonal)

▢ Flight: 100m 

▢ Shape Shift


▢ Psychological Complication: Make a train load of puns 

Background:  Worried about the seriousness of the Earthlings in the 1920s, Jinx slipped out of her home dimension to Earth - -and started to fight crime in her humorful way.


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