Friday, May 11, 2012

CAH:S2 -- Crime Stopping Characters

Crime stopping takes place in any modern era from
1930s to present and beyond into the far future.


Character Name: Officer Jessica Brave'

Appearance: A young woman with blonde hair and blue eyes dressed in a blue cartoon police uniform.

Factoids: "loves game shows", "talks in a Valley Girl-like accent", "bends backwards for children."

 Duty (To the police)
 Mental Hang (Willing to help any children)

 Driving 1
 Piloting 1
 Agile 1
 Pistol 2 [AF: Enhancer +1, Accessory]
 Brains 4
 Analyzing Things 4
 Computers 4
 Medical 3
 American Knowledge 4 (SP x2)
 Searching 2

Oomph: 3

Threshold: 11

Battling Rating: 4


Name: Officer Kevin Kick
Appearance: A black hair man with black eyes dressed in the cartoon version of a blue police uniform.

Factoids: "Usually on the roof, practicing his martial arts", "reckless behind the wheel"
* Duty (To the police)

 Driving 2x
 Piloting 1
 Agile 8
 Pistol 2 [AF: Enhancer +1, Accessory]
 Martial Arts 4 [Cluster: Attack/Defense]
 Brains 1

Oomph: 4

Threshold: 12

Battling Rating: 8


Name: Officer Joni Costume

Appearance: When not disguising herself, Joni appears to be a red hair and red eyed woman in a blue cartoon version of a American police uniform.

Factoids: "has a love of action cartoons"
 Duty (To the police)

 Diguise 8 (SP x2)
 Agile 2
 Pistol 2 [AF: Enhancer +1, Accessory]
 Brains 4

Oomph: 2

Threshold: 12

Battling Rating: 8


Name: Officer William Weapon

Appearance: A short man with a fat belly and brown eyes dressed in a cartoon version of a blue American police uniform.

Factoids: "loves weapons", "can't use computers", "claims the he's big bone."

 Duty (To the police force)

 Slow 1x
 Aiming 5
 Resourceful 6
 Dagger 1 [AF: Enhancer +1, Accessory]
 Pistol 2 [AF: Enhancer +1, Accessory]
 Belly Roll 4 [Advantage: Allow to roll faster then he can walk, Disadvantage: Must
be on the floor, Disadvantage: Can't be used in when he has 2 Setback Tokens]

Oomph: 2

Threshold: 10

Battling Rating: 6

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