Friday, May 11, 2012

CAH:S2 -- Cute Animals Characters

The land or earth is fill with cute animals. This animals go on adventures--and might have a problem with another human or other creatures.  Sometimes, the world is so full of cute animals-- they is no such thing as a human.

I.E.: "The Smurf", "The Get-A-Long Gang", "The Snorks", "The Pound Puppies", "My Little Pony" & "Stop the Smoggies"


Name: Tommy Quirk

Appearance: A small squirrel with a brown helmet and red football jersey on it.

Factoids: "always nervous"

 Climbing 4,
 Swift 6,
 Claw 1 [Enhancer +1]
 Fang 1 [Enhancer +1]
 Smell 2 (SP)
 Strong 5

Oomph: 3

Threshold: 11

Battling Rating: 6

Name: Jessica Mouse
Appearance: A small mouse dressed in a pink dress and pink shoes.

 Swift 4
 Resourceful 4
 Hiding 3
 Riding 3
 Sneaky 4

Oomph: 2
Threshold: 10

Battling Rating: 4


Name: Billy White
Appearance: A tall white horse with a brown racing jacket on

 Mental Hang (Has a ego)

 Swift 8
 Clever 4
 Jumping 4
 Kicking 4
 Ramming 4

Oomph: 2

Threshold: 10

Battling Rating: 8

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