Sunday, May 20, 2012

CAH:S2 -- Real Robot Characters

Real Robots is a Japanese anime sub-type of science fiction. "Gundam" & "Robotech" are good example of this-type of robotical series.


Name: Kari Takikia

Appearance: A Japanese teenage girl it with orange hair and orange eyes dressed in a orange space suit.

Factoids: "a little slow on the up-take.", "drinks strange drinks that no other human can stand.", "big eater"

 Secret (Kari is a robot.)

 Robot Skin 4 (SP x2)
 Agile 4
 Quick Thinking 1x
 Driving Toxic Drinks 4 (SP)
 Laser Gun 6 [AF: Enhancer +4, Accessory]

Oomph: 2

Threshold: 10

Battling Rating: 6

Name: Harry Hijoni

Appearance: A young Japanese boy with blue hair and green eyes dressed in a orange space suit.

Factoids: "wonders if Kari is a robot"

 Laser Gun 6 [AF: Enhancer +3, Accessory]
 Agile 4
 Driving 4
 Piloting 4
 Computer 2
 Appearance 2

Oomph: 4

Threshold: 12

Battling Rating: 6
Name: Tordia Kergori
Appearance: A green hair woman with blue eyes dressed in a orange space suit.

Factoids: "turncoat for the Gortoni Empire", "was told on spy on the human and report all actions to them", "give her spying items to the human government", "tries to prevent Harry from proofing that Kari is a robot"

 Archenemy (The Gortoni Empire)

 Laser Gun 6 [AF: Enhancer +3, Accessory]
 Driving 2
 Piloting 4
 Agile 6
 Fast-Talking 3
 Gortoni Empire Knowledge 4 (SP)

Repair 2
 Medical 2

Oomph: 3

Threshold: 11

Battling Rating: 6

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